2010/10/22 - News Update - boogieman, Nakashima Mika

Oct 22, 2010 18:52

boogieman Have a New Vocalist! And the Presentation is...

2010-10-22 event / boogieman

yuana (ex. Kagerou), Akira (ex.baroque), Bansaku (ex.baroque) and Yuichiro (ex. METRONOM) are members of Visual-kei band boogieman and they have been performing as a group for the first time on December 31st in 2007, when they stood on the stage of the New Years count down event "Over The Edge", surprising all of all the present audience.

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Nakashima Mika to Pause Activities as a Singer for Treatment of Her Ears.

2010-10-22 tour / live / Nakashima Mika

Nakashima Mika just recently announced on her official homepage that she will be pausing her activities as a singer due to a chronic Patulous Eustachian tube with both her ears.

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news update, news, nakashima mika

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