Episode 191: For Doremidan 2010 Starts Now: Happy New Year!
Hi everyone! This is MJP (musicJAPANplus) writer kanako.
Just the other day I went to see a live performance put on by Doremidan at Shibuya O-WEST!
Everyone was able to enjoy the concert. By everyone I mean not just the members and the fans, but friends and family members of the band, record label executives and their guests, and the various press members as well.
Why did I say literally 'everyone'? That's because the people sitting in the second floor seats had a surprise for the fans on the first floor. The people in the upper floor threw down balloons to the fans below! I of course joined in the fun as well. Both the people throwing the balloons and the ones receiving them had a good time, and by the end everyone was smiling!
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