Jul 18, 2010 11:56


A few days later…

It wasn’t Simon or Samantha that Tyler clung to the first time they were taken up to ground level at Stargate Command. It was to Jack, Tyler’s hand clutching his father’s, his mouth slightly agape as he slunk along at Jack’s side. Simon seemed to suck down the warm air, starved for the scent and texture of it in his lungs before moving away from his family to stand directly in the sun’s gaze, hot beams bathing him, face tilted upwards, arms slightly fanned at his sides.

Samantha grinned in appreciation of the show, turning to try and catch Jack’s eye. But he was too focused on the younger boy beside him, knuckles white now as Tyler tried to comprehend the vista spreading before him.

“It’s so… so…”

“Big?” Jack asked.

“Bright?” Samantha suggested.


Simon turned to slowly face them. “He’s never seen blue sky before.”

“That’s why we’re up here,” Jack reminded them. Looked down again at Tyler. “It’s okay, you know. It’s safe.”

“Green grass,” Simon added, pointing. “Green trees. Wait until you see lake water--- the ocean!--- all blue. Dad’ll take you fishing. Teach you how to play baseball. You’ll see,” he promised. “C’mon, Squirt!” Turned around to walk down the roadway where the sun soaked the pavement.

Samantha followed, new maternal instincts telling her to leave Tyler in Jack’s care.

They stood watching various military vehicles come and go, personnel marching by, one or two birds winging along in the daylight as Jack waited for Tyler to process and absorb some of his new world. The psycho quacks had warned him ‘n Carter to take it easy with the kid especially, but it wasn’t until Daniel had said, “Just remember what it was like to see Abydos for the first time,” that Jack had fully understood what the boy was experiencing.

So new! So alien! So terrifying!

“So, are we going for a walk, or what?”

Tyler’s gaze moved to watch Simon and his mother where they stood at the guard post chatting with the men stationed there. Just over a hundred feet away.

Jack felt the death grip on his hand shift slightly. Saw Tyler straighten around. Hazel eyes lifted to his with a nod, and he stepped out onto the road, his son at his side.

And a few days after that…

“I will vacate the locker room within five minutes, Michael O’Neill.”

“No. ’S okay. I wanted to talk to you anyway.”


“I’ve been talking--- to Mitchell. He said, well, he said a lot of things. But he said I owed you the right to speak to you face to face.”

No response. Teal’c shut his locker. Turned around to face Simon. Then, “Colonel Mitchell is an honest man. And a fair one, though he plays card games with a lack of fear.”

“He’s a rotten gambler?”

“He does not fear losing. So he either wins, or he bows out of the game.”


“Of what did you wish to speak, Michael O’Neill?”

“I heard my mom--- Samantha Carter--- I overheard her theorizing for General Landry--- about how we arrived here--- something about a mirror, or Ascended Daniel bending the rules. And she was explaining how the Daniel from this world had gone to an alternate reality before--- that she, herself, once showed up with a dead friend--- Major Kawalsky…”

Teal’c waited him out.

“I never knew Kawalsky. I mean, I think I met him once or maybe just saw his picture, but he was never a big pal of my dad’s.”

“Your father never went to Abydos.”

Simon shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Major Kawalsky was assigned to the Stargate project to accompany your father and Daniel Jackson on that mission. If they never went to Abydos, then they never used the Gate for that assignment.”

“Well, we’ll never know.”

“Then what did you wish to know?”

“The thing is--- there are some differences between here and there--- I mean, besides the obvious ones. What I mean is--- well, what I mean is--- I’m--- I’m Michael Charles. And my mother was Sara, and my grandfather, Mike… but here, here there was only Charlie. But Kawalsky also existed as a part of my dad’s life. It’s like--- it’s like the mirror images are all skewed or something.”

“You mean to say that you are Charlie?”

“I guess. Or, at least, that’s what I overheard my mother saying. Only, I’m not! And like I told everyone already, I was never a ‘Charlie’. I was always Michael.”


“The other--- the other you. On the television that day?” Simon paused to swallow a squeezing choke. “He didn’t have your mark.”

Teal’c waited for more, but when Simon didn’t speak, he offered a mere, “Indeed.”

“His was --- well, it was different.”

Teal’c inclined his head. Patient.

“So, if I’m not Charlie, then you’re not really you.”

Teal’c’s eyebrows streamlined in question.

“You saved my dad’s life. And Daniel’s. And Samantha’s.”

“As they have saved mine, countless times.”

“So if Charlie hadn’t died--- you would never have known my dad.”

“I do not believe that that is an entirely accurate assessment, Michael Charles.”

Simon winced. “We’d all better stick with Simon. I think it’s going to be easier that way.”

“I do not believe that O’Neill will be able to do so.”

“Why not?”

“Because as you have been saying, you are Charlie.”

“Only, I’m not.”

“No, you are not.”

“But that’s a contradiction. I can’t be both.”

“Neither can I. But I am, as you yourself have just said.”

Simon leaned up against one of the walls. Tucked his hands into his pockets. “Why do you think that other Daniel--- from our old world--- sent us here?”

“Do you not know the answer?”

Simon shook his head. “And anyway, Daniel--- this Daniel won’t say. I asked him.”

“What did he say?”

“Something about the human brain being incapable of fathoming the depths of the Ascended mind.”


“So? Why do you think the other Daniel sent us here?”

“For the very reasons which contradict: the mirror image is skewed, Simon O’Neill. You are Charlie, but you are not. Tyler Jacob is your brother but he did not exist here previously. Perhaps, the other Daniel Jackson saw what was missing from all of your lives and decided to intervene--- to reunite all of you, though you had not met before.”

“I thought that was against the rules?”

“I believe so.”

‘Then why did he do it? Why did he break the rules?”

“Is that not something that Daniel Jackson would do--- to try and right a wrong?”

Simon shook his head. “Now my brain’s going in circles.”

Teal’c held his silence.

Simon just stared at the Jaffa for several long moments. Then, “You are nothing like I imagined you’d be.”

“I did not remain loyal to the false god, Apophis.”

“I know. And I didn’t pick up my dad’s gun when he told me not to.”

“Exactly so, Simon O’Neill.” And Teal’c inclined his head yet again.


A few weeks later…

“She’s not going to recognize you.”

“I know.”

“And you’re not supposed to try and make contact with her… or your grandfather.”

Simon ignored him for the moment, continued to stare out at Sara’s house where she lived with her father, Mike. “Then why did you bring me here?”

They were both adorned with baseball caps and dark glasses. Jack had even borrowed Daniel’s car so as not to be identified by his ex-wife. “Because I knew you’d find her anyway.”

Simon reached to pop the lock, undid his seatbelt.

“Just remember---!”

“I know--- I know,” Simon groused as he slammed the door shut, leaned in briefly at the window. “Don’t tell her who I am.”

Jack watched him go. Watched him ring the doorbell and wait, the new, modern clothing, the haircut transforming him into a 21st century guy, no longer an Apocalyptic refugee. He licked his lips, a nervous throat clearing his only give away as Sara appeared, the open door cracked just enough that he could see she’d let her hair grow to her shoulders. She looked… well, no longer haunted by grief.

A minute later Simon returned to the car, sliding in, removing his hat and glasses as he chuckled to himself.


“She said: the next time Jack O’Neill wants to check up on her, he can do it himself instead of sending some junior birdman to do it for him. And she’s perfectly well aware of the fact that you just re-married--- it was in the newspapers--- but you don’t have to hide out here in the car because she’s not pissed at you, she’s happy that you’ve finally settled down! End quote.”


They sat for another moment. Jack took another long look at what had once been his home. “Has it changed much?”

“Has what changed much? My mother?”

“No--- I mean, the house. Has it changed much from what you remember?”

Simon tossed him a look. “I don’t know. I never lived in this house.”

“No kidding?”

Simon shook his head. “We lived in another house when my mother was still alive; after you married Mom--- Samantha--- we moved.”

“Not here.”

Head shake.

A thought light-bulbed into Jack’s mind. Oh, no way… “I, uh, don’t suppose you remember the address to that other place?”

A look of disgusted disbelief painted his son’s features. “Puh-leez! I was 12 years old--- not some moron.”

Jack turned the key and the car rumbled to life. “Tell me.” Because if that house was for sale… Carter was guaranteed to love it.


“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise!” came Tyler’s cry.

“Why do I have to wear a blindfold? I promise I won’t peek.” Samantha resisted the urge to remove the cloth, memories of Pete’s aborted attempt to surprise her souring her excitement.

“Because it’s a surprise!” Jack growled beside her where he was busy driving.

The truck rode on for a while longer, Simon in the back seat as quiet as ever, Tyler questioning every possible thing he could see from the window. “Why is that man wearing an orange vest? Why are those kids in that wheelie cart thing? Why does that woman have two dogs? Look! That man has pink hair! Why does that building have---?”

“We’re here,” Simon’s voice cut him off as the truck slowed to a stop.

There was a scramble for doors, and then her own was opened, Jack’s hand on her upper arm guiding her down.



She could practically hear Tyler bouncing.


The blindfold was lifted: flashing sight of Jack pulling away, Tyler racing up a driveway to a large house, ‘For Sale’ sign on the lawn, and Simon’s cautious smile.

“What do you think?” It was Jack’s voice.

It was a large house. Very large. Obviously many bedrooms. Big back yard. Room for at least two dogs and one growing boy. Probably a rec room downstairs. Two car garage. Mini-apartment over that. Big. Large.

“It’s a big house.”

“But--- what do you think?” Jack encouraged as they meandered up the drive. Tyler had already disappeared inside. Simon had tucked his hands into his pockets, was slowly following after them.

Big. Perfect. Too perfect. Where was the flaw? She was not a pessimist; it was not in her nature to be so. “We’re in Colorado.” And there it was. Fly in the ointment.

“Yeah. I know.”

It would mean major career and life changes. Again. She was used to that to a certain extent, but this… There was already the question of obtaining legal custody of Tyler. Finding birth certificates that would pass government inspection. Explaining the sudden decision to adopt two boys to various family members. Helping Simon figure out what he wanted to do with his life. College? Military? Who was he if he wasn’t Michael Charles O’Neill? Not to mention the cautious process of teaching Tyler how to live in their society; of helping Simon re-adjust to living after a life-time of surviving.

They both had jobs in D.C. now--- so---? What? Another request for a transfer? Jack give up his position at the Pentagon? At the very top of the Stargate program? No more research for her? No more new projects for a ship? The George Hammond? A base?


Simon came around them as Samantha froze on the front steps, Jack still beside her. Simon put his hand on the doorknob, pulled the portal open. Tyler came winging out of the house at that exact moment, halting now a breath from them all.

“You have got to come inside and see this, MOM! It’s huge! DAD! C’mon!!” And he had them both by the hands, tugging.

Was this what parents did? Samantha looked at Jack, out of her league, autopilot no assistance at all. She felt his hand settle at the small of her back.

“At least come take a look at Dad’s office,” Simon said.

“Jack has an office?”/ “I have an office?”

Simon laughed. “Of course you do--- where else are we supposed to put this?” He pulled a leather bound rectangle from his pocket, handed it to Jack. “It goes on your desk.”

Tyler moved forward to slip the clasp. “That’s how you open it.”

Sam and Jack looked down at the two photographs. “Oh, wow…” It was the boys, but not the boys. It was them, but not them. The other Samantha Carter and Jack O’Neill stared up at them from the family portrait. Their eyes seemed to say, ‘It’s all right now. Everything’s going to be A.O.K.’

“I guess we’re staying in Colorado,” Samantha said.

Jack carefully closed the twin-sided frame. “Yeah, well--- better fishing than in D.C.”

One year later…

“What is that sound?”

Vala paused mid slurp, her lips popping off the straw tucked inside her UltraGulp. Behind dark glasses, she said, “Lady Gaga.”

“Lady what?” Cameron Mitchell asked, his hand on the car door handle, features puzzled.

“Poker Face,” she added, sliding out of her seat.

They approached the front door together, but before they could ring, it was cranked open. Wide. “My-my-my P-poker Face--- Hi, Cam!” Gold dark hair bouncing as the kid hopped in place to the beat pounding down the hall.

“Hi, Squirt,” Mitchell wondered if the kid was still calling himself that these days as he stepped through the door, admiring Vala’s sway when she entered first. “Where is everyone?”

“Out back. ‘Cept Michael--- he’s in the living room with Cassandra singing into a flashlight ‘n a spoon ‘n blowing out Dad’s amps.”

“His what?” Vala asked.

“Dad says to bring the food out back. Mom says he has to be nice and share his beer with the company. Only, Jack says Simon’s allowed some, but I’m not ‘cause I’m still too young.”

Mitchell blinked. “Uh, still not too sure about those names, huh?”

The Squirt glanced back over his shoulder as he led them through to the back yard, avoiding the throbbing coming from the living room. “Mom says we’re all suffering from identity crisisess --- she keeps calling Michael, Simon, but Dad wants to call Simon, Michael, but Simon says he wants to be Simon for now, only sometimes Dad calls me, Charlie, and that weirds Dad and Simon out both. Mom calls me Tyler all the time, but Simon sometimes calls me that, ‘cept when he’s calling me Squirty. Dad says I’m getting too big to be a Squirt, and Simon sometimes calls him Jack, but Mom says that’s just to annoy him.”

“Uh-huh,” Mitchell agreed since he’d been lost somewhere around the first ‘but’.

The back yard was crammed with people, the scent of barbeque just about flattening Mitchell as he set his case of beer down next to Vala’s brownies. Pink iced brownies with a single cherry on each. He went over to Jack who busily wielded a spatula and tongs. “Sir.”

Jack O’Neill jabbed the tongs towards the open living room windows. “I am gonna kill that kid!”

“Yes, sir!” Mitchell agreed. Then, “Why?”

“Because he’s going to blow out my amplifiers with that damn music!”

“Yes, sir!” Mitchell agreed again, wandered away to snag a beer, and came back with a question. “Who’s Lady Gaga?”

“Ask Cassandra,” O’Neill growled, turning meat on the grill. “She’s the one who brought the damn stuff over!”

“Yes, sir!” A laugh quickly cut short when the hawk’s stare drilled him down.


Cassandra set her ladle down when the last note died away, and even though another song came up on her play-list, she resisted joining in, finding it twice as hilarious to watch Simon sing on his own. Which he quickly stopped doing the moment he realized he was solo.

“Not fair!” he yelled over the music. Set his flashlight aside.

But Cassandra only laughed. “Hey--- you got that stuff down pretty quick!”

Simon shrugged. “I haven’t had much reason to sing anything in the past few years.”

A moment passed with only the blaring music to fill it. Shaking her head, Cassandra said, “You are so lucky.”

“Escaping that world? Yeah.”

“No--- I mean, having your parents alive on the other side of the Gate. Having your whole planet given back to you. That’s like--- the best damn luck I can imagine.”

Simon processed her words for a moment. Yes, he’d been told Cassandra’s story. She was, quite possibly, the only person in the galaxy who understood what he and the Squirt had gone through. But she was also right: her parents were dead. Her home, her people, her planet. Not just gone, but gone forever. For him and the Squirt to have arrived here with instant family on the other side? Well…

“We had Daniel helping us,” he reminded her.

Cassandra tilted her head to the side, the sun catching her long hair in its glow. “Did you know--- when I first arrived here? I wanted Sam to be my new mother. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved Janet, and I miss her terribly, but Sam was the one I chose first.”

Simon waited. Cassandra knew perfectly well that Samantha Carter had been his mother on the other side, too.

“But then--- Janet had to explain it to me--- Sam and Col--- uh, General O’Neill--- Jack--- couldn’t be together. Military rules and regs, of course. They’ve waited, like, forever! To be together. And now, here you are--- and they hadn’t even finished their honeymoon! Instant family---.”

“Just add water,” Simon repeated the tag line he’d been hearing over and over for the past year at the SG-C.

“So, yeah--- you are one lucky dude. You and the Squirt,” Cassie plunked down onto the couch. “I would’ve given my left arm to be their daughter. I would’ve given anything to call them Mom and Dad.”

Simon wandered over to the window, looked out over the backyard where family, friends, co-workers, everyone was gathered for the barbecue-house-warming party. He could see his Dad talking to Mitchell as they flipped burgers, dogs, and ribs. He could see his Mom nodding at something Dr. Lam was saying. He could see his brother racing around the yard as he chased, and was chased by the two new Labrador puppies which his father had brought home two days ago. For Samantha, of course.

“I will never take this for granted again,” he said, partly to Cassandra, mostly to himself. “Ever.”

“The hardest part now,” Cassandra informed him, “will be convincing yourself that this is real, and not a dream.”


Vala arrived in the back yard with a flourish, flowery sunhat, big glasses, and a gift bag swinging from one well manicured hand.

“Here.” Cheek smooch. “For you,” as she gave the bag an enticing jiggle.

“Oh---,” Samantha blinked at the gift. “Uh--- thanks! I didn’t mean to turn this into an anniversary party---.”

“Well, why not? It is today, isn’t it? I haven’t forgotten that it was a year ago today,” with a toothy Vala grin.

“Well--- today is supposed to be about the family. The new home. A house warming party.”

“Don’t worry--- Cameron explained it all to me. This will definitely warm up the house,” as she handed the bag to Sam.

Wary now, Samantha accepted it. At arms length. “What is it?”

“Oh don’t open it now--- no no no! You’re supposed to wait until Jack is there to see it too--- it’s his gift as much as it’s yours, you know.”


“Look! I brought this,” searching inside her suitcase sized purse, accessories clunking and clinking, Vala pulled out a new camera. “All parties should have hundreds of pictures, right?”

“Er, right.”

Remaining where she was, Samantha watched as Vala moved off to snap shots--- General Landry with his mouth wide, chomping down on a hamburger; Dr. Lam fish faced as she slurped on a drink.

With a chuckle, Sam walked towards the house. Up on the patio, Jack was busy rummaging in the cooler for another beer.

“Taking a break from barbecuing?”

“Mitchell’s teaching them how to barbecue Southern style,” and he motioned towards the grill where Daniel and Teal’c had gathered to hear Mitchell proselytizing. “What’s that?”

“Vala’s house warming gift to us.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t looked yet.”

“Why not? Is it booby trapped?”

“Probably.” Sam set the bag down on a bench, her back to the crowded yard. With Jack peering over her shoulder, she opened it, pulling the tissue off first. “Oh. Wow.”

“Wow is right! That’ll definitely warm up the house! That’s gotta be for you,” Jack smirked.

“No--- THAT is for you. THIS is for me.”

“Are you kidding me?!”

“Oh, yeah,” Sam replied with her own crinkly eyed wicked grin. “Warm the house right up. Wow!”

“You show me yours, I’ll show you mine?”

“You first.”

“Me first? Why not you first?”

“Because you out rank me. General.”

“Listen, lady--- it’s ladies first!”

“Colonel Carter?” They both turned to see Dr. Lee hurrying forward, a bad spill down his shirt front. “Where do you keep the extra---?”

Samantha felt herself flushing. Whirling, cramming down the gift, she hid the bag behind her back as Jack straightened, taking a calm pull on his beer. “Kitchen!” Sam yelped. “Ah--- I’ll be right behind you!” Behind her back, she stuffed the tissue paper down. “We’ll finish this discussion later,” she stated from the corner of her mouth as Bill dashed inside.

“Much later. When the house gets colder…” Jack tapped the beer once against his lips, then, “Carter…?”

Sam paused at the patio door.

“What I said this morning?”

Their eyes met, sapphire bright to falcon dark.

And Jack grinned. Sipped. Still flushed, Samantha smiled in return then stepped into the house.

Samantha hid the gift bag, squished down in the front hall closet before going to help in the kitchen. That done, she then rejoined Jack outside, finding him talking to General Landry. Content just to be next to him, she leaned barely so against his arm, to make small talk, to simply stand beside him in the afternoon sun with their friends gathered all around, celebrating.

What had he said that morning? Sam mused to herself. Pictured Jack, rumpled hair and rumpled bed sheets: “What time is it? Why are you getting up so early”? Then with an exaggerated yawn, “Party isn’t until noon. Come back to bed.”

“Come on--- we’ve still got things to do before they start arriving.” She nudged the bedside with her knee to give him a shake.

“Like what? Simon and I put out all the chairs and tables last night. The food is arriving with the guests--- the lawn is mown, the dogs are penned---.”

“Not for long if Tyler let’s them out--- and he will, so, come on, get up.”

“Up? Carter--- gimme a break! I’m dead tired! I didn’t sleep a wink last night!”

“And whose fault is that?”

“Hey---I was busy working ---.”

“Oh--- and I wasn’t? I was there, too---.”

“Yes, ma’am! You were right there.” And he emphasized the statement with a thump on the empty mattress. “Exactly there.” Thump, thump! “Precisely there.” Thump, thump, thump!

Sam ignored his teasing. “And you’ll notice that I’m up!”

“Well, I was up!” Cough! “All last night!”

This time she felt her cheeks warm, but refused to give in and get back into bed.

“All. Last. Night. Upright--- with the upper-hand--- upstanding, but not upstaged ----.”



“Jack, please.”

“--- on the upthrust!”


“So, plant your uppity hiney in the bed, Mrs. Colonel Ma’am, and let’s plan another uprising!”

Sam started to massage her forehead and eyes.

Jack lay back knowing he had her. “C’mon--- just one good morning kiss,” and he tugged her down next to him. “Plenty of time for that.” At the suggestion, they both looked at the clock.

“Jack, seriously, we don’t have time.”

“Half an hour, Colonel.”

“Jack, please---.”

“Okay. Fifteen minutes, plenty of time for another--- upheaval.”

“Jack…,” her voice an inch short of pleading.

“Right! Five minutes--- give me five minutes--- you can be on top--- I’m up for it! I swear!”

She shut her eyes denying the building blush.

A silent moment passed, then softly, ticklish, right in her ear, “Good morning, Samantha.”

Eyes flashing open, she whispered, “Good morning, Jack.”

“Happy anniversary.”

Immediate, annoying tears welled. “Happy anniversary.” Flooded over her lashes. “I didn’t think you’d remember.”

“Hey. That’s what kids are for.”

“Tyler?” she guessed.


Sniffle! “Oh.”

All teasing gone, he gave her a trademark intense O’Neill look. A minute passed, as they sat. Then, “I’m probably supposed to say something really mushy right about now.”

Sniffling again, she didn’t exactly laugh. “Yes, but don’t. You’re doing just fine.”

His grin became rueful. Finally, properly, he leaned in to kiss her.


Samantha was still leaning-not leaning against Jack’s arm when Simon came strolling over to join the conversation.


“Hey, yourself,” Sam replied. “You enjoying the party?”


“Did my amps survive?” Jack inquired, voice dripping honey.

“Jack…” Sam tried to intervene.

But Simon ignored the General. “Yeah. Vala said to come meet you out here. What’s up?”

Sam squelched a hysterical giggle behind a hand-cough. Innocent, Jack replied, “I have no idea.” Just then, Tyler came rushing with Teal’c behind him, one puppy on each of the man’s massive arms. “Mom! Dad! We got the dogs!”

“Indeed, Tyler Jacob. Colonel Mitchell caught the dogs. I am carrying them. You only chased them four times around the front yard.”

Tyler shrugged. “Yeah, okay! But we have them anyway. Vala said to meet you here.”

Under control now, Sam said, “Here? What for?”

“To take your picture of course!” Vala’s voice carried across the crowd as she came sweeping up, Mitchell behind her with grass and mud stains on his knees.

Arms waving, Vala conducted them, posing them as she pleased: “Now--- put your arm around her, General, it’s your first anniversary today! There, yes--- now, Tyler in front, that’s it, Samantha, hand on his shoulder, nice--- take the puppy--- no, the yellow one---.”

“That’s Gertie!” Tyler informed her.

“Yes, well, the yellow girl--- and Simon, you take the brown one---.”

“His name’s Elliot.”

“He’s a chocolate Lab, Vala,” Simon murmured, his eyes on Teal’c’s as the Jaffa handed over the panting pup.

They paused, facing one another. It had been a year of learning for Simon; a year to reconcile the differences between his world and the one in which he now lived. Even if he could never forget the past, he could at least acknowledge Teal’c as an ally, his father’s best friend, and had managed to make a peace of sorts within his heart.

With a genteel neck bow, Teal’c stepped back.

“Now, next to your father---.”

My father, Simon thought, flashing on the past yet again, recalling the other family portrait that Grandpa Mike had taken a lifetime ago. He remembered his real parents--- looked now at his new parents--- saw his father reflected within his new father, dark brown hair now silvered, eyes sharp as ever, and Simon crushed down a twist of grief. Now was not the time. But he couldn’t help himself, was only human. And even after his conversation with Cassandra, even so, he still felt… left out. A stranger living with strangers. At odds with the one man he so desperately wanted to be able to love. Guilt free.

Frozen in place, Simon felt a grimace stretch over his cheeks.

“There now--- everyone smile! Oh, do come on! Smile! It’s your first warm barbecued house party!”

Sam hooked her other arm around Jack’s waist, and he hug-tugged her closer around the shoulders. Gertie whined in Tyler’s arms, rolling big eyes up at Jack.

“Flirt! Hold still!”

Jack reached for his son wanting to hold onto Simon, to try and make him welcome, to say what he had never been able to say out loud, that he loved his boy. He put a strong arm around Simon’s waist, tried to pull him close. And all at once, Simon gave, the connection his father was so desperately trying to establish flaring to life, actions speaking louder than words. He was allowed to love this crotchety old man because for some insane reason that crotchety old man had decided to love him. So Simon shifted, repositioning Elliot on one arm to sling his free arm around Jack’s shoulders.

Thus, the family was joined.

“All right? Everyone ready? On the count of three---!”

Gertie squirmed. “Gertie hold still!”


“Shoot the picture now, Vala!” Sam suggested when Elliot yipped, too.


“C’mon, Vala!” Tyler grunted when Gertie yapped in response. “Shoot!”

Simon chose that moment to lean his weight into his father, everyone shifting off balance to accommodate him, laughter and giggles ensuing.

“Yeah, Vala,” Simon deadpanned. “Just shoot us all.”

“Three!” Flash!


Simon found his brother munching away on what had to have been his 20th hotdog, the patio steps a handy seat. He settled next to the kid, gazed out into the starlit dark, felt warm evening air soft against his face, and told himself that they were safe, that he had no reason to fear being out in the open, exposed, vulnerable.

The Squirt took a bite of his dog, and Simon wondered when he was going to puke up all the food he’d consumed that day; sure, they’d both put on some pounds, looked far better now with consistent bathing, nutritious meals, the daily threat of death gone thus alleviating stress, allowing them to sleep deeply each night. Or, so Simon supposed, finding it hard to let go of that learned habit: wariness.

“You happy?” he asked the kid.

“Yeah,” around a mouthful of crumbs. “Are you?”

He would finish his education; work at a real job for real money. He would invest in the future instead of surviving one hour at a time. He could fly to China, sail the Mediterranean, climb Mt. Everest. He could eat at a different restaurant every day of the week. He had more toilet paper in the upstairs bathroom than he’d seen in the last eight years combined.

His father had taught him how to drive. His mother had given him his own laptop. The world was an open book to him.

“Yeah, I guess I am.”

He wrapped one long arm around the kid, bear-hugged him. No protest. Old habit, huddling close in the dark. He could feel the kid’s jawbones work as he finished chewing the hotdog. Simon dipped down, smothered his nose in gold dark hair and shut his eyes tight.

“I had anudder--- another--- dream last night.”

Simon’s eyes opened. “You haven’t had one in a while,” he mumbled on top of Tyler’s head.

“You want to know what it was?”

Simon listened to crickets chirruping, watched stars twinkle in a black crystal sky. “Sure.” He straightened to let his brother speak.

“I dreamt I went back to the Stargate… Only,” and Tyler seemed to consider his next few words. “Only this time, when I went through? I came out the other side and saw the most amazing thing.”

What could be more amazing than landing in the lap of loved ones, your entire world restored? “What was it?” Simon asked, keening his head to better see the Squirt’s features. “What did you see?”

But the kid only smiled, toothy grin and hazel eyes alight.


“Oh! I thought you’d already left,” Sam said as she came swinging through to the kitchen, one last tray of dirty dishes stacked in her hands, not in the least expecting to find Daniel standing by the window.

“No,” he replied, attention remaining on the backyard just below the window. “Not yet.”

Sam opened the dishwasher to place the remaining stack within, filled the pocket with soap, and turned on the machine. Wiping her hands on a dishtowel, she turned back to Daniel. “Well, you’re the last one here; not that I mind. Maybe you can talk to Jack. Convince him that giving a Simon a new car right at this point in time might not be the best choice. A used car--- now that I can see..,” but she trailed away when Daniel didn’t even turn to listen. Curious as to what held his attention so firmly, Samantha moved closer, shoulder to shoulder with him now, to stare out the window. “What is it? What are you looking at?”

Out in the dark, the lights they’d placed around the perimeter illuminated the yard just enough to raise a gentle glow. She saw Simon and Tyler first, seated on the steps, the puppies piled in a tangled wad at their feet, the two boys leaning into each other despite the warm night. “Old habits die hard?” Samantha wondered out loud. But Daniel didn’t respond. Then she saw Jack crossing the yard from where he’d been stacking the lawn chairs, his silvered hair distinctive. He paused by the boys, swung around to sit beside his sons. She saw him point towards the stars, knew he was showing his boys the constellations.

Sam swallowed a ticklish cough, took a breath to steady herself. She choked up at the weirdest times now, pure emotion sometimes mastering her during the course of the past year as she adjusted--- as they all adjusted to this strange thing called family life. Hiring a tutor to bring Tyler up to speed in his schooling; refurbishing the apartment over the garage to give Simon his space; watching Jack take command of the SG-C for one extended year to accommodate their new lives; herself, spending more time in the lab than ever before because she refused to take many off-world assignments and leave her boys behind. All three of them. And every time there was a crisis, an argument, a holiday, a birthday, the tears--- those annoying tears would surface, and she’d find herself bawling because Tyler made a card for her for Mother’s Day and Simon’s essay on fraternal loyalty was published in his college periodical.

“Don’t mind me,” she snuffled quickly, dashing her wrist to her eyes to squelch them dry. “I’ll get used to this someday.”

“Used to what?” Daniel finally spoke, his head turning the minutest bit to better see her.

Odd. He didn’t have his glasses on. “This mothering stuff.”

“I hope you never do get used to it, Sam,” he said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “You’d be bored then. And I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be bored when you’re busy doing ‘this mothering stuff’.”

Sam sniffed. “No,” with a short laugh, “I guess not.”

“Besides, I think you’re doing a great job,” Daniel added.

“Thanks,” Sam muttered, embarrassed now. Dropped her gaze briefly. Lifted it when he replied,

“Anytime.” And with a swirl of light, vanished.


fan fiction, sg1

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