Basic Landel's Gear* Copies of Javert's maps of Landel's (bloodstained, lost in storage closet)
* Baseball bat (courtesy of Hitsugaya)
* Roll of duct tape
* Four feet of thin-gauge copper wire
* Two tranquilizer darts
* In two small bins, the following medications:
- 2 bottles Vicodin
- 2 bottles Valium
- 2 bottles Oxycodone
- 1 bottle morphine (oral)
- 2 bottles Tylenol
- 2 bottles Advil (one opened)
- 1 bottle Effexor
- 1 bottle Amoxicillin
- 1 bottle Codiene
- 1 bottle Penicillin
- 1 bottle Topomax
* Four empty pill bottles