I found this from 3-18-05. Just thought I'd post it.

May 25, 2005 23:35

Rachel and I wrote this a while ago when we were extremely hyper.

Hi! My name is Mr. B. I love hippies. I am actually one myself. I like to lay and roll in the grass, and down steep hills. It causes bodily harm, but I love it anyway. One day I was going to the store and I said to myself, "Hey, I'm going to buy some eggs." So then I bought some eggs. I said to the lady at the counter, "Give me eggs!" She gave me eggs. They were good eggs. I like eggs, even though they were raw. I just sucked the yolk right out of them. Then I went home and had some Lucky Charms. They were so good. SOOOO good. (Sings James Brown) I love James Brown almost as much as I love eggs! EGGS EGGS EGGS! MMM BABAY!

Who would like to take a walk with me to the chicken farm? We could be rebels and steal the chickens and then we'd have eggs ALL THE TIME. I repeat, ALL THE TIME! We'd run from the egg police. (You can't catch me I'm the chicken stealin' man!) There ain't no use in giving me an egg, babe, I've got chickens for EGGS ALL THE TIME.
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