This entry is going to be completely pointless, i know, but i can't help myself but to rave about Hot Fuzz.
I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Hardcore love them. Plus, Shaun of the Dead is, in my opinion, one of the best movies ever made. So, when i first heard that these two geniuses, and Edgar Wright (director of SOTD and Spaced), were coming out w/ another movie, i about peed myself.
This movie has an AMAZING cast. Not only does it have Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in it, but it also has...
-Bill Nighy. I mean, come on. Do i need to say more?
-Martin Freeman. He's such a great actor. Plus, he's freakin Tim. Tim from The Office.
-Timothy Dalton. He was SO GOOD in this movie. Cracked me up!
-Stephen Merchant. When i saw his tall, lanky self, i was like, "Hey, that's Stephen Merchant!"
-Julia Deakin. During the movie i was like, "It's Marsha from Spaced!"
-Bill Bailey. Bilbo from Spaced!
-I even recognized some of the actors as zombies from Shaun of the Dead =P
They had references to Shaun of the Dead throughout the movie, which was totally awesome, and just seeing some cast members that were involved in SOTD and Spaced was a pleasant surprise. Everyone is just so great.
On a more serious note/rant...
Seriously. People. Why are you wasting your money over and over again on the crappy comedies out right now. Completely unfunny, and yet people continue to see it. Honestly, put that 10 bucks to good use and see a movie that's worth those two hours. Hot Fuzz was absolutely hilarious, with great writing and great acting. I go into comedies these days w/ my expectations completely lowered and it normally stays that way. But i went into this movie w/ high hopes and very, very high expectations, and it far surpassed that.
There should have been more people in that theater. But the people that were there laughed their asses off. This is definitely the movie to see. I haven't been this happy w/ a comedy since...i don't know, Shaun of the Dead? Comedies these days are just disappointing. The sex and toilet humor...kind of wearing thin. This movie was funny w/o any of that.
So, do yourself a favor and check it out. If you don't like it, well suck.