Ok. I'm mad. I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and i started watching their series Spaced on BBC America. I absolutely LOVE it! It's such a good show. Anywho, i finished the first season last Friday and went to go dvr the Spaced episode for next Friday.
What do my little eyes see? BBC America put another freakin show in its spot! They're not going to show season 2! I was livid (and still am, by the way)!
This isn't a first for BBC America. No. They did this to me while i was in the middle of the second season of The Office (obviously the UK version). I was loving that show, too, and then they gave it the axe before it finished...in the middle of the damn series! So pissed. I'm lucky i got the whole set (both seasons and special) for my bday!
The difference w/ the loss of The Office vs. the loss of Spaced is that, if i never got The Office as a bday gift, i still would have been able to rent it or buy it and watch it that way. But Spaced? Nooooooo. No effing way! No damn place here has it! I even searched on Amazon.com and overstock.com and a bunch of other places (FYE, Suncoast, Best Buy, etc.). The list goes on and on. I get a bunch of these shit movies and i'm thinking, you have these but you don't have Spaced?! Are these honestly any better than Spaced?! I doubt it! If i even want a Spaced collector's edition i have to order it from the UK itself! Son of a bitch. I'm just so mad. None of this would have happened if BBC America wouldn't have taken it off. They have a really bad habit of taking really good shows off IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SERIES! This is the last series i get into on BBC America, that's for sure. Someone help! If you know where i can find Spaced for sell (or to rent) in the US (Netflix doesn't have it, neither does Blockbuster), then let me know! I'm pulling my hair out over this! I MUST finish this show!