Sorry sorry sorry. Anyways...great episode! Loooong episode. Heartbreaking episode. Lots of caps because this was the longest episode ever.
The folks from Stamford are coming to Scranton and Pam can't wait to see Jim again, Dwight bets Toby that he can beat him at running, Pam times Dwight with a thermometer and feels bad about it, but oh well, he's a jerk, Ryan keeps his desk because Jim is a nice guy, Michael wants to make everyone feel humiliating one of their own and making him quit, then firing him, Pam notices a connection between Jim and Karen, Kevin loves his shredder, Karen insults Phyllis's perfume she got from Bob Vance: Vance Refrigeration, Michael pretends that the people at Vance let the air out of Dunder-Mifflin peoples' tires, which no one buys, Andy and Dwight are vying for the title of Biggest Michael Scott Ass Kisser and a new rivalry is born, Jim tells Pam that he's dating Karen...*sigh*
Number of caps - 2,330
Cap size - 624x352
Zip size - 45.61 MB
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