3x04 - Grief Counseling

Oct 13, 2006 18:56

Last night's episode was really really good. Ed Truck, Michael's former boss (We met him in "The Carpet") died, he was decapitated by of all things, a truck, Michael decides to teach the D-M crew a lesson in grief, meanwhile Karen wants chips and she and Jim try all different ways to try to get them...they definitely like each other, back in Scranton while they're starting the grief meeting, Roy pulls Pam out for a moment so she can get out of it, and we see that they still have a connection with each other, when Pam returns, she discovers that Michael held up the meeting for her, he wants them to all share stories of their own grief, and some of the gang tell stories from popular movies until Kevin gives it away, Dwight reveals that he was one of a set of twins until he resorbed his other twin, he goes not feel guilty, Toby tells Michael about a bird that flew into the window and died, and Michael insists on throwing a funeral for the bird. Enjoy the caps! :)

Number of caps - 1,290
Cap size - 624x352
Zip size - 22.81 MB


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season 3

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