Remembrance Day

Nov 10, 2005 23:33

'Twill soon be the day of Remembrance - remembrance of the more than 110 000 Canadians (well more than that, I believe), who have given their lives for my country and my rights, and when it comes right down to it, me.

Which brings me to my current inspiration. The shameful abundance of ignorance on the parts of a multitude of students, who decided it better not to spend an hour of their lives doing as little as they could possibly do to show some respect. Canada has been under attack on and off for thousands of years, and through those years, it was defended, and moulded into the nation it is today, be it by pre-historic Aboriginals to our modern Canadian Forces, many of whom are currently defending this country right now, against today's enemies. We do not only give respect to the dead, who are many, but also to those willing to die right now, in defense of an apathetic youth.

I am as angst filled as it would seem, at least through my writing. And this angst sparked inspiration into me on a number of occassions, on a number of levels. Here is one result.

It is a song. Here are the lyrics and instrumental arrangements. Thanks to my personal level of retardation on a musical level, I can only describe how the tune of the song goes. The first verses (through the first and second choruses) are funk (I know, perhaps terribly inappropriate for such a topic). The third set of verses are much more intense, almost emo-ish, in the vocals and instrumentation. The chorusi (ahem) remind me slightly of David Bowie's "Space Oddity", perhaps a little faster - go from there. The items in italics on the right are the notes for the arrangement. Now, without furthur adieu:

"Lest we Forget" - by Vladimir Rosencrantz, Nov. 10, 2005

Lest we forget----------------------------------------------(bass & drums)
Who will remember
Our debt and their sacrifice

The men that fell
Will we remember
When we're no longer reminded of hell

chorus------------------------------------------------------(acoustic guitar)
Brothers, fathers, sons and daughters
Paying for what's right
Taking up the fight to save what's here
Then and now-----------------------------------------------(enter keyboard)
It's your right - their sacrifice
------------------------------------------------------------(exit ac. guitar)
Lest we forget----------------------------------------------(enter electric guitar)
Who will remember
Those who died for us

Wether they like it
They must know
It was their blood too

Lest we forget
On their youth
A hammer descending...


(musical interlude)------------------------------------------(enter sampling)
------------------------------------------------------------(end sampling)
Lest we forget
Who will remember
Those who died for you

Wether you like it
You must know
It was your blood too

Lest we forget
Lest we forget
Lest we forget----------------------------------------------(exit all but keyboard)
Lest we forget
Lest we forget--------------------------------------------(re-enter all instruments)
Lest we forget
Lest we forget
Lest we forget...-----------------------------------------(exit all instruments)

(garbled): lest we forget---------------------------------(samples re-enter - "I am
(garbled): lest we forget----------------------------------become death, destroyer
(garbled): lest we forget (ad infinitum)-------------------of worlds")


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