Aug 25, 2003 16:04
I'm taking over. Dustin and I have both worked out a plan that will make us live in perfect harmony. If i am going to live here i want it to be compatible for the BOTH of us, and not just him, and not just myself. I am hoping my plan will work even though i know it isn't fool-proof, i am hoping nobody plots against me, *nobody being Dustin's Family* and I hope to make my New Rome in the making.
But my plan is to make it so that me and dustin can live with out relying on anybody else for anything that is a nessesity in life... for nobody to have "control" over us. And to be completly CONTENT. I know it will take lots of time and lots of effort but i know if we both work so hard we CAN make it work. Over all GOAL... to make it so Dustin's mom is in his life, and apart of his life. But dosn't have control over our life together, and not all in our business... I don't want his mom out of his life, just she needs to back off a little. And those who are close to me, and really know me, and are familiar w/ my relationship know EXACTLY what i'm talking about.
First off starting Sept. 3rd-
(1.) Caller ID will be installed on the phone.
Pro- I don't have to answer the phone w/out knowing who it is, and if it is his Mom then i will NOT pick it up.
Con- Well, there is no cons to having caller ID. GREAT INVENTION!
(2.) DSL wireless internet connection
Pro- No more waiting a hour for songs to download, and second, dustin is going to get his own account and that means I GET A NEW AOL SN. And we no longer can be kicked off when his brother, mother, or grandmother want on the computer.
Con- it is gonna set us back a pretty penny for the next couple of months.
(3.) I will be taking over on dustins finances and teach him how to pay his own bills.
Pro- His mom has been "taking/stealing" money out of his bank account w/ out him knowing because she is in-charge of getting his bills paid. This will put a stop to that problem there as we will have more money to save and put back for other things, instead of being so fucking broke all the time...
Con- It's a challenge, I'll have to be careful because i will be playing with money that isnt exactly my own... but as long as I keep in mind that Pay what NEEDS be be paid and the left over money is for the Misc. items of life.
(4.) New lease signed TOMORROW.
Pro- Fresh painted apartment, New carpets or cleaned at the least, Furnishings fixed, new kitchen accessories, and whatever else that needs to be taken care of by the apartment complex. Cleaner = Happier.... right?
Con- New paint = Smoking outside, New carpet = No food or drinks outside of the dinning room, And i will be working my ass off to keep this apartment in the best condition. But it will be worth it, I'm sure.
(5.) Moving MY STUFF IN friday.
Pro- My shit, my decorating skills, a new semi blank canvas. OH THE POSIBILITIES.
Con- I am very greedy when it comes to MY stuff, what is mine is mine. And i dont like people going through MY stuff, i have been this way for a very very long time and i'm use to it and i know it. If his mom comes in and goes through MY SHIT I dont know exactly how i will react.
(6.) Getting the locks changed.
I told dustin if i move my stuff in then we had to change the door locks and not give anybody except Him, Kyle, and Myself the key.
Pro- His mom CAN'T get into my stuff w/ out someone being here and knowing it, and then we have all control to stop her. She can't come in whenever she pleases. (stimpy voice) "JOY"!
Well yeah... Great start. I know alot of people wont read this, this is a long LJ entry. But if you do read my stuff then let me know. Give me a reply. Okay, you'll hear from me later.