
Mar 19, 2007 14:24

baaa. snagged from everyone and your mom.

Most of you on my flist don't really know my original characters personally. Small wonder, I don't really write much for them beyond RPing, though I really should. To remedy this to some small degree and give you a small introduction to the madness, I propose this ( Read more... )

wtf varis is doing a meme, meme, ocs, rp

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offensive March 19 2007, 21:26:54 UTC
She couldn't sleep. She was naked, her back pressed up against Hayden's chest because that was the only way she was ever warm, and she could hear him breathing in her ear. It was likely he was the reason she couldn't fall asleep, but there were other reasons too, there always had been, for her insomnia. Thinking too much about things tended to do that.

The room was pitch black, which was something she'd had to master to accomplish, considering there was a street light right outside her window. Her eyes drifted to where she knew it to be, remembering the day she'd put up the heavy black curtains and considered it a success. Then she remembered when she was tiny, back home in Osaka, and she'd been afraid to go to sleep without a light. Her mother had bought her a Hello Kitty nightlight, because Hello Kitty was her favorite, and had plugged it in right next to her bed.

That was one of the few happy memories Haruka had of her mother. She closed her eyes, feeling strangely emotional, before twisting around in the bed so she was face to face with her bedmate, although he didn't really move much. She liked that about him. She could shift against him all she wanted while he was asleep, and he wouldn't budge. Since she was a restless sleeper, that was a good quality for whoever she was sharing a bed with to have.

Gradually, she concentrated energy into her fingers, just enough for her hand to glow softly and illuminate the few inches of space the two of them occupied. Her eyes always easily adjusted to the light, but she supposed that was just part of her ability. She glanced at her watch, before reaching out to touch Hayden's face, her hand still illuminated. She didn't expect him to reach up and take hold of her hand, still seemingly asleep and pull it under the blanket, the light becoming muffled by the covers, and then she let it go out, laughing a little. Maybe he wasn't as heavy a sleeper as she'd thought.


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