I am a leaf on the wind, watch me be a retard;

Jun 21, 2006 21:07

okay so.

Random things Varis has taken in upon playing the first twenty minutes of RE2 over again:

- It's funny when you shoot zombies close-range with the shotgun and their top half falls off.
- Lickers still scare the crap out of me the first time you see it crawling past the window
- Leon is retarded
- Leon is not polite and concerned about zombies hearing him clunking up stairs like they clearly are in RE1 (the original, not REmake)
- This explains why in RE4 he kicks down doors and jumps out windows.
- Leon attempts to feel Claire up at least three times while telling her they need to split up, look for survivors, and get the fuck outta Raccoon.
- Wesker is marketing Teenage Rebecca porn to try and lure more hapless rookies into the RPD.
- This explains how Leon and Kevin both got in.

More developments as they occur!
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