I am a leaf on the wind, watch me be a genius;

Apr 14, 2006 21:34


Work was lame, but what else is new. What's not lame, however?

I had the bestest idea EVER.

well, okay not really. But it's still an excellent idea.

Now, first, a bit of backstory.

Yuzu and Tet had pitched the idea of incorperating worldresolution characters into omgwtf_high, so we'd have a chance to play them in a less stressful setting, see how they'd react if they weren't constantly on the brink of facing certain demise.

For various reasons, I really wasn't OVERLY keen on this idea, although it was VERY tempting.

Tonight, after Yuzu sent me some icons from the latest Supernatural episode, I came up with an ingenious idea.

Or, well. It was a stupid idea when I first thought of it. But rather than just blurting it out I kept it to myself, went to dinner, and by the time I'd finished I had cultivated it into a Damn Good idea.


Backstory over.

Here's the pitch.

First of all, this will be an All Orginal Character Game. While some obscure characters might slip through the cracks, I will kick someone if they try to apply for Sephiroth or for Jean Grey, or whatever.

This is a BRAINBUNNIES game.


In this world, (Which will basically be an AU version of our own world, since I don't want to complete a totally new freaking world) People have special abilities. They're born with them, they manifest over time.

It's become grudgingly accepted, although it's not widely liked.

There exists a school (Yes, I know this is ripped off of X-men. IT'S OCS, OKAY? FUCKOFF.) a University that takes in students from the age of thirteen on up and trains them how to harness and control their powers, in addition to everyday boring old highschool/college stuff.

This school...doesn't have a name yet, I'm working on it.

But basically, it's a school for freaks. There are basic rules (No using powers off-campus, no using powers in dorms, yadda yadda.)

But rules are always made to be broken, and really, who's gonna know if the telekinetic floats shit to her from down the hall?

It's a school for superheroes and freaks and whatever you want to call them. There are teachers, and students, and parents, and so on.

And the school is probably in New York or something. I don't know. Metropolis? ahaha no.


This is an idea I definately want to persue. And it'd be a place where, if we so chose, our WR characters would have an AU to not be total outcasts and function on a (semi)normal level.

And for those of us who are losing, or have lost characters, it'd be a place to keep them alive.

Unless of course they did something they shouldn't in This Game and died.

PLUS, it'd be a place for new characters and stuff. I know I've got a few ideas already that really don't fit anywhere else but would rock here.



Also, I'll be making this public, so feel free to link people to it if they'd be interested.
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