Apr 03, 2004 00:37
So Amanda and Becky think it's fun to fill out long long forms, in which they give out useless information. And I don't want to do it, so I'm not going to. Ohhhh...anyway. I'm a cripple now. I was in chior on Thursday and I stepped off the second riser and my ankle decided it had hit it's experation date, so now I'm dragging it around behind me. I haven't gone to a doctor yet, but we have a few pairs of old crutches laying around so I was trying to use those...that didn't really work out as well as I had hoped. it turns out I don't have much upper arm stregnth so...I mooched a wheel chair off the nurse at school today. Hmm...but yeah it's swelled up nice and big, about the shape of a tennis ball. And it's starting to bruise up nicely. I just want a bootie or something for it, that's all I ask. Ok sleep time.