In 1997, there was a brief cartoon series that went by the name of "Extreme Ghostbusters". In it, a group of young, hip college students get together under the tutelage of Egon (former Ghostbuster) to fight the evils of ghosts everywhere.
The series featured the punk girl, black male, and of course, handicapped person roles. This handicapped person was no other than... *dramatic pause* ... ME!
Exhibit A
I refer to
this link.
Here, it is clearly seen that the accused (hereafter known as "Identity Stealer") is listed in the credits as none other than "Garrett Miller". And who else to voice myself but classic TV and cartoon voice star
Jason Marsden! He's known for such popular roles as:
Max Goof: "A Goofy Movie" (voice)Nelson Burkhard: Full House (tv)Cavin: The Gummi Bears (tv/voice)Additional Voices: Tarzan (voice)To his credit though, he was the voice of Haku in the American version of "Spirited Away", which is a superb film.
Now... back to the topic at hand...
Exhibit B
Here, Identity Stealer is seen with his rag-tag group of friends. His smirk in this photo can only mean one thing: he thinks he's gotten away with stealing my name and very much my identity. Oh how very wrong you are, Fake Garrett Miller. I HAVE found out, and if I had the money and lawyers and attention span, hoooh boy you'd be in for a world of hurt.
You got lucky this time, Identity Stealer. You got lucky.