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Oct 15, 2008 19:35

  • 09:25 1st- edit mail merges breaks. 2nd-existing mail mergs break 3rd-No new mail merges 4th - envelopes now in Qbert swearing. *gives up* #
  • 09:30 @ eternaleponine *cuts your phone lines* Did that help? #
  • 10:15 why do I always have severe doughnut craving on days when I have no car? #
  • 19:25 I fucking LOVE that question. Will you say it to each other's faces? #
  • 19:31 Nice call on that one. It's true..if they keep talking about the economic policy...McCain will keep falling behind in the polls #
  • 19:35 Holy Fuck! Slap in the face. BO: They say Terrorist and Kill him! and Palin said nothing. JM: I'm totally proud of my supporters! #
  • 19:39 @ jillianofdoom The moderator asked them both if they would say to each other's face the negative things they're putting in their campaignads #
  • 19:41 God I love these question. "How would the country be better off if your running mate won than his running mate." #
  • 19:42 and Obama takes the high road. How fucking refreshing #
  • 19:56 Interesting pattern. Obama makesit about issues. States his plans. McCain attacks Obama. #
  • 19:57 @ jillianofdoom Win! \o/ #
  • 20:03 @ dot_matrix Deaf and Dumb. Yes. #
  • 20:05 Joe the plumber...please die. kthx Then maybe McCain can talk about other topics #
  • 20:05 um....we wouldn't want health care companies to pay for transplants. That would be bad. #
  • 20:07 cosmestic surgery and transplants are so the same. *HEADDESK* #
  • 20:09 McCain, you might not publicly question a justices ideology, but it sure as fuck IS important. #
  • 20:22 ...yes Troops to Teachers. Abolish those silly certifications since military training and teaching kids are so very similar #
  • 20:26 Vouchers! ............ VOUCHERS!!! ........Vouchers...!!!! #
  • 20:28 Yes....let's make health care avoidable. I can go for that. #
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