Oh, hey there, May.
I'm glad you're here. No, really. I'm mostly hoping you're nicer to me than April. April? Was a bitch. Things went insane at work and school. There were weeks that were so stressful that I couldn't eat, and when I could force myself to eat something, my body decided it shouldn't be there. Shit got massively fucked. But, I managed to pull myself out of it, at least I hope so. I've honestly been too worried to be optimistic lately, how f'ed up is that?
But you're here now, May! It means that after this THURSDAY, evil evil evil school will be OVER. I will have time to spend with my dear, horribly neglected friends (specifically
ginpalace and SO MANY OTHERS). I will get to see more of my family (especially
quasisonic). I will have my weekends back. For the most part - I have a couple of weddings coming up, one requiring a trip to New Orleans. (Which figures, I get to take one big trip this summer and the whole area I'm heading to is a mess.) Still, it's
zyll's wedding, which I wouldn't miss for the WORLD.
I will also have more time to devote to the world's most amazing, wonderful, supportive and loving fiancee. Because without him, I probably would have my own little padded studio at Bellview right now.
April had a few tiny bright spots - I got to see
zyll and we had a pretty awesome time at her bachelorette party. AND, because she's awesome, she decided that an appropriate "You're Thirty!"/"You're engaged!"/Thanks for planning my hen weekend gift was a
KINDLE. A mother-freaking kindle. Of course, I haven't really had much of a chance to use said kindle due to the latest Dresden Files book not being available in Kindle format, but I have a bunch of free books and some not-free books to read on it, and I'll be taking it on vacation with me next week.
redesigner is back in the borough of Brooklyn, where he belongs. To say I'm pleased about this is like saying I kind of like the Yankees. :D
I just finished busting my ass on my last Research, Writing & Litigation assignment (still not done) and am currently in-progress on my Copyright & Trademark final.
Sweet Sequined Jesus, I'm exhausted. But I'm trying to power through.