Mar 01, 2010 07:44


I have some news. It's ready to be official, announceable news now.

J AND I ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, sports fans: he liked it so much he wanted to marry it.

Then, he put a ring on it:

image Click to view

Our New Year's Eve was pretty epic. We saw Dean & Britta in concert, then headed to a party at the home of a good friend. At midnight, we kissed. (like ya do).

Moments after, he looked at me, smiled, and said, "You tell me when you're ready, baby." (Usually this means, "I'd like to not be at this party anymore, okay?" So I was confused.)
I replied, "But we just got here!"
He grinned harder and shook his head. "That's NOT what I meant."
All I could say was, "Oh."

A month or so later, things we were still sitting at the proverbial yellow light when, one night, while sitting on the sofa a preview for the film 2012 came on. (It was approximately the 2012th time we'd seen said trailer, so we'd made fun of it many times before).

Me: (joking) You know what we should do? We should have a "disaster" theme wedding in 2012!
Him: (completely serious) I don't want to wait that long! What about 2011?

Fifteen minutes later, we had a date: September of 2011. 0_o

Everyone has been really excited and happy for us so far, which is making me really excited and happy.

missgyder had the funniest reaction of all, though, after screaming at the sight of my ring and the big announcement and hugs and all. Even though she was arguably the architect of our meeting, she giggled and said, "C'mon, sweetie - it's not like this was a total shock. We all saw this coming!!" Hee. Maybe? You all will have to tell me!

Anyway, now that I've completed the prepared statement, we will now open the floor to questions. :)

j, awesome, state of me

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