Today started with me oversleeping, and just continued on with a series of wacky misadventures from there. Work email was down for an hour plus, things that don't normally take time for me to do wound up taking forever because of all the tiny fuckups that kept happening. The new girl at work (who replaced my beloved partner in crime New Orleans Girl.
quasisonic and I have decided to refer to this new girl as Gisele, after the character from the movie Enchanted. This is because they are essentially the same person.) was singing to herself all day. And humming. ::stabbity:: I can tune out conversation and radio chatter and music with no problem, but for some reason this girl's propensity to sing/hum/whistle is the most distracting thing EVAR, and driving me just a little north of crazy. I've spoken to her about it before, she said she doesn't realize she's doing it half the time, and I honestly didn't feel like getting into it today.
But tonight was so the clincher. Tonight, I managed to make a beautiful tuna casserole, yet forgot to add the tuna.
You read that right. No tuna. In a tuna casserole.
I didn't even realize this spectacular feat until speaking to
j_bkl on the phone when he expressed glee over the night's meal selection. I was able to add some in after the fact and it wasn't a complete disaster, but it's totally going to be my favorite "I can't believe I did that" story for a few months.
(accidentally hitting aforementioned fiance in the face while trying to hug him? Not so much. But at least he thought it was funny.)
I'm going to go to bed before anything else goes haywire.