FIC - Could It Be Magic? - PG13 - 1/1

Oct 06, 2008 00:12

Title: Could It Be Magic?
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG13 (for a few bad words and suggestions courtesy of CJH)
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Jack/Ianto
Spoilers:  None
Prompt: Wizards for the tw_calender  Halloween Fic Fest
Warnings: M/M implied
Length: Chapter 1 of 1, roughly 3150 words
Summary: Ianto asks for a few hours off from Torchwood and Jack just can’t let it go without knowing what Ianto is up to.

Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to RTD and the BBC, unfortunately. This is a work of fiction and lest we forget Fiction = False, Fake, Not Real (and any of those other handy dandy synonyms found in Webster’s big book.)
Beta: Thanks bunches to luvinthe88and20  for reading through this at the last minute and offering suggestions!

A/N: Well, I was originally going to post the first chapter of my Torchwood/Dresden Files crossover but then I saw the post stating that the story could not be part of a series…so I had to come up with something else in a hurry.  Eek!  Anyways, I think this turned out quite cute even though fluff/crack is not my thing and Jack is not easy for me to write.  Enjoy!

Could It Be Magic?

gwen cooper, ianto jones, torchwood, jack/ianto, fic, captain jack harkness, challenge: tw_calender, owen harper, pg-13, toshiko sato

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