Title: The Civility of Envy Fandom: Mana Khemia Characters: Roxis, Vein Rating: G Contains: Use of the original Japanese names abounds. I like them better.
Stopping there is evil, but then I've done quite a few oneshots for this fandom with the same degree of evil. Some part deliberatly, as part of the Evil Plot To Get People To Write Me More Mana Khemia Fic
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:D Gweh. And god, Seppl. Replaying the game has the added benefit of gnashing my teeth for all the scenes he shows up in, just knowing where his toolishness will eventually lead. XD
I love the refrain of the names, just for how in-game names really mattered when it came to Mana and also for how their names themselves mattered. It's just how much significance is there and how much Roxis gets and how much he doesn't.
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. :) One thing I found kind of odd about the game, come to think of it, is that the student body is abuzz when Roxis starts school, but not Vein. Granted, they probably wanted to keep the reveal of his "father" under wraps, but in retrospect, it's still kind of odd. And yeah, I think it pisses Roxis off on so many levels that Vein isn't biting back nearly as much as he ought to.
I'm curious as to whether you preferred the Japanese names in part because it allowed you to get closer to the historical names being referenced, or what.
In part it's the historical reference; Rosenkreuz and Aureolus would be the big ones, but most of the cast have pseudo-Germanic names that I wanted to keep. The thing that sealed the deal, though, was the aptronym that is Vein's name; it's a reference to the veins of resources and energy that alchemists believed in, and it's the one thing that sadly gets completely lost in translation, even though it's so fitting.
Comments 9
I love that line. Also, Seppl is such a tool.
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