Title: Version Up
Fandom: Guilty Gear
Pairings/Characters: Sol/Ky, Sin, original characters
Rating: PG
Warning: humor, crack, unrepentantly AU (or would this be more of an AT?)
Notes: This is a non-Overture-compliant AU (or perhaps calling it an Alternate Timeline would be better). Some 100 years in the future, Sin finally manages to bring home a
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I'm happy the summaries got you interested. Guilty Gear is one of those game series that's a hot mess after a certain point, but there's just so much cool stuff lurking within that I can't help but love it and try to do my best to write for it.
Aw, thank you. I'm an immense nerd for worldbuilding, so it's good to hear that it comes across as believable and organic. I admit Three Degrees was at least in part a rebellion against the established idea that Ky would completely freak out over something like this, when he's previously conveyed the depth of his trust in Sol. It was a lot of fun to write once I got into it, because both these guys have so much on their plates.
*laughs* Oh I wish they had done a couple more dramas. They were a lot better than the recent games, that's for sure. And now worries, I like it when people have suggestions and are enthusiastic about something. :) I love talking shop and sharing ideas.
Basically anything by twigcollins is excellent. You can find her writing over at her comm, twigbits.
Worldbuilding is love. It's got quite a bit in common with X and Zero's relationship, really, and if random new medical officer can figure out Zero's equivalent of Sol's little secret (roughly translated, he's a Command Gear who doesn't remember how and doesn't want anything to do with it), there's really no way X hasn't known for years. I love partnership dynamics like these. ...oh for crying out loud, now the world fusion possibilities occurred to me. When I still need to do more than snippets of the Ar Tonelico one. Japan and blacktech vs. the threat of gears and the RoboKys and swords and aargh. I already have way too many 'verses.
Sometimes supplementary material is like that. I also adore talking shop and sharing ideas.
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