Title: Distractions to the Square Root of Pi Fandom: Guilty Gear Pairing: Sol/Ky Rating: R Warnings: Lots of rated snogging. Notes: Because sex doesn't always have to be serious business. XD
Seriously, though, I'm really happy you like it. I admit it was fun to do a take where both of them are comfortable (as far as that's possible, with Sol being so annoying XD). Any chance we can convince the fandom that Ky on top is the default position?
I was just chuckling delightedly during this, we rarely get to see "Ky" being lighthearted esp during the war. This was a ni-ce little treat.... I-I just... really loved it. Really. It's a cute warm fluffy pwp. With Sol and Ky.
You can tell I loved by how my comment it full or incoherent ramblings.
*nod* I think Ky just needs someone where he's assured that he can let his hair down and be himself for a while. That goes a long way in helping him to relax. XD
Comments 14
Seriously, though, I'm really happy you like it. I admit it was fun to do a take where both of them are comfortable (as far as that's possible, with Sol being so annoying XD). Any chance we can convince the fandom that Ky on top is the default position?
... a horrible amorphous solid? XDDD
You can tell I loved by how my comment it full or incoherent ramblings.
*nod* I think Ky just needs someone where he's assured that he can let his hair down and be himself for a while. That goes a long way in helping him to relax. XD
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