
Feb 07, 2008 16:09

Part I: Upside Down... Again

Sequal to Upside Down... Again
This one is a little more angsty (and not quite as well written, sorry)

Part II: Breaking

He wasn’t a snoop. For all Owen’s teasing and Gwen’s raised eyebrows he didn’t deliberately go around trying to find things out about other people’s personal lives. He liked his own to be kept private, so unless it affected the safety of Torchwood he did the same for everyone else on the team. However, when he almost walked in on Jack and Gwen, Jack with that all knowing, ‘take me to bed’ look and Gwen looking like a deer in the headlights he felt like he’d just been put in a blender with a bucket full of lemon juice then punched in the gut.

God help him but part of him wanted still wanted to kiss the other man senseless. Another part of him wanted to walk up and knock his lights out. But most of him just wanted to crawl into the bottle of scotch he had at home and tell himself “I told you so”.

He knew that Jack had a twisted view on relationships, he didn’t even try to deny that fact, but coming face to face with the captain trying to seduce a co-worker when he hadn’t even left for the night stung.

Turning on a silent heel and making his way back to the main hub he avoided the look Owen gave him and Tosh’s wide eyes, concentrating entirely on the coffee he decided it was necessary to make.

When Jack and Gwen returned the other man gave him that same look he’d given to Gwen. Only this time instead of setting off butterflies in his stomach he felt a cold lump settle in his throat. Ianto didn’t know when it had happened, but he had become just another body to the captain. Maybe it had always been like that and he’d been deluding himself into thinking it was something more, even if it had once been special all he was now was something to keep the bed warm.

He knew he was close to snapping, it was just one too many things to deal with. But he kept his mouth shut and set about helping everyone as Tosh announced rift activity, making sure everything was packed as they jumped in the car.

Even on the drive over he spent more time thinking about Jack than the case they had at hand. He knew it was stupid, but some small, naïve part of him had hoped that maybe he was different; maybe he was special for once in his life.

And then came John Hart.

Part III: Hurt

ianto, angst, jack, torchwood, sequal

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