The End Of The Beginning XXI

Aug 15, 2009 16:51

Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: XXI
Title: When small things grow
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
Beta: The great shakatany
Disclaimer: Not mine, least not until my plan for world domination is put in effect.
AN: To end or not to end, that is the question.

Previous Chapters

Xander woke to the smell of pizza and the sound of Dawn's laughter. Blinking, it took him a moment to figure out where he was, and a moment longer to untangle himself from the cocoon he'd made with the blanket he didn’t recall having the night before. Running a hand through his hair, he padded towards the noise, stopping in the doorway a moment to watch his charge and Spike throw bits of pizza towards each other, obviously trying to land them in the other's mouth. Looking at the happiness on Dawn's face he wondered if she knew that he couldn't take care of her without Spike's help. The more he thought about it, the more he realised that perhaps she was right to trust the vampire over him. The blond was the one who could keep a roof over her head after all.

He was so caught in his musings it took him a moment to realise that sharp blue eyes had seen him and were studying him intently. Fixing a familiar grin in place, he padded forward and flopped down next to Dawn, snagging the pizza out of her hand and taking a bite, giving a cheesy grin when she squeaked in outrage. 
"Spike said we're moving in with him, is it true?" Xander smiled at the enthusiasm in her voice and tried not to flinch.

"Yeah Dawnie, the blond menace is going to have to put up with us full time from now on." Joy as sharp as the sun burst onto her face and made him want to drown himself.


Moving didn't take as long as he'd thought it would. The second the teen had realised they really were moving in with Spike she hadn't wanted to wait until the end of the lease. In fact she'd begun packing the next day. Xander smiled with good humour as she ordered both him and the vampire around, ordering a list of what was packed in each box be taped to the top of it.

Looking around his own room on Friday night he realised that there were very few things left to pack. His clothes and a few of the more essential toiletries were ready to go; the bed would be moved on Saturday along with the rest of the furniture that was coming with them. Sitting with hands hanging between his knees as he sat on his bed, he didn't hear the door open and started at the feel of someone sitting beside him.

"Thank you." Of all the things he'd expected the teen beside him to say, that wasn't on the list.

"I know that you've been working overtime every day to try and keep up, and I know that I'm not the easiest person in the world to live with. I love you, Xander. Both you and Spike... you kept me going after Buffy. I guess I was so caught up in what was going on in my own head I kind of missed what was happening with you."

He looked over to the girl beside him at the sound of a ragged breath but kept silent when he saw the look of determination on her face. "I'm sorry, Xander. For missing what was going on with you, for not saying how grateful I am. You and Spike, you're my family now, and I know that we're moving because the rent and everything else is too expensive." He flinched and looked away at that. "But in a way, I'm kind of thankful for it. I know it's selfish, but I get my own slightly dysfunctional family and I don't need to jump between places anymore. There's just home. And even if you and Spike aren't the most conventional parents in the world, you do a good job of it."

Smiling at the girl sitting beside him who seemed at once so very old and so very, very young he kissed her forehead and sighed softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"It feels like home there, Xander," she whispered in a small voice, as though she was afraid of what he'd say.

Giving her shoulder a soft squeeze he smiled gently, "Yeah, Dawnie, it does."

Just as quickly as the odd mood had come, it was gone when a familiar knock sounded from downstairs. Once again a bouncy teen, Dawn skipped out and down the stairs to let Spike in. Every night for the past week Dawn had spent the night at their soon-to-be-home, taking a bag of things with her each time so all that was left of hers to move were the larger things she couldn't take herself. Listening with half an ear for the shouted goodbye he tilted his head at the sound of booted feet on the stairs. Turning just as the blond appeared in his doorway he gave the vampire a curious glance.

"What's up Blondie?" The nickname held no venom, just familiarity.

"Pack a bag, whelp, you're coming too." Xander had listened to that rough accent soften a little each day, and while the harsh edge was there, it was smoother now, making him smile unknowingly even as his curious expression turned to one of confusion.

"Huh? Why?" Realising that he'd yet to patrol he figured that was the reason for his inclusion and was moving before he heard the response.

"Something the Nibblet wants to do."

Frowning, the brunet tucked a stake in his pocket as he packed a bag of clothes then followed the vampire out of the house.

Watching Dawn as she walked down the quiet street with her head tilted back to look at the constellations Spike was pointing out he couldn't help but smile. Lengthening his stride slightly he waited until he was directly behind the girl before tickling her sides. Laughing when she squealed and leapt forward, he gave her a look of mock innocence when she slapped his arm.

His expression slipped for a moment when he realised exactly where they were and he glanced to the woman-child who was standing next to the letterbox with a look of absolute determination on her face. Xander didn't say anything as he took his keys out of his pocket, separated one from the rest and handed it to her. Flicking his eyes to the vampire standing on Dawn's other side, he saw the nervous tic of jaw muscles, fingers twitching slightly. He wanted to say that it was ok, the memories were hidden under white sheets and boxes now, but he didn't, already knowing the looks that would accompany his statement. Instead he offered the girl beside him a hand, smiling at the strength in the fingers that latched onto his and pulled her gently up the pathway.


Spike looked around the quiet house, furniture draped in white sheets and most of the possessions packed away somewhere. He knew Dawn was grateful for it, could see the relief in her eyes, and looking to the young man standing beside her, he realised just who it was that had packed away two lives. The boy wasn't saying anything, just looking around with distant eyes that reminded the vampire of Drusilla when she was teetering on the edge of lucidity, like she wasn't quite sure which reality to look at.

Just when he was about to say something, bring the boy back to now, those brown eyes blinked and he was there again, head cocked to one side. Wondering what the boy was listening to he stopped to listen himself. The house was quiet except for the occasional groan of wood and metal. Still Xander was frowning.

"I'll be right back, ok? Just want to check something." Before Spike or Dawn could say anything the brunet had disappeared into the basement.

"He did all this, didn't he?" The soft question came from the girl beside him, whose face held a dawning understanding.

"Don't rightly know, Nibblet. But knowing the whelp, probably." He answered honestly, fingers itching for a cigarette.

They both jumped slightly at the loud groaning of ancient pipes and a garbled curse. A yelp had them both moving towards the basement, only to jump back at the sight of Xander coming back up the stairs, dripping wet.

"Thought something sounded off. Turns out some of the plumbing needs to be replaced. I've turned it off at the mains for now but I'm going to have to get someone to check it out - thing burst the second I touched it." Spike didn't stop the chuckle that slipped out of his lips at the sight of the boy drenched from head to toe, looking like a drowned rat.

Dawn let loose with a giggle of her own before slapping a hand over her mouth and giving the whelp wide, innocent eyes. Even Spike was surprised at the evil look that flittered across the other man's face, spreading his lips in a wide grin. As he watched the once-clumsy boy stalked towards the Bit, a wicked grin on his face.

"Hey Daaaaawnie," he said sweetly even as he moved further forward. "Gimme a hug."

The blond shook his head at the pair as the teen squealed and ran out the door with Xander close behind her, heading towards … home. Picking up the key that Dawn had dropped, he took a look around the house for a moment before shutting the door to follow them. Home, the vampire mused, the one thing he hadn’t had since he died but now had once more, thanks to the two dark-haired terrors running down the street.

Next Chapter

x/s, spike/xander, spander, the end of the beginning, xander/spike, s/x

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