Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: III
Title: Dream a little dream of yesteryear
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: None of it's mine, except for the plot, if you could call it that.
AN: Still needing a beta so all mistakes are my own. Should probably give this another run through but I
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Looking to the small woman at his side I don't think you could really classify Dawn as a woman in S6 as she was 15 or so. And if this fic goes on for a while (which I do hope it does) you might have to mention Dawn's growth spurt - Michelle ended up towering over SMG.
Thanks so much for the clarification on Dawn, I couldn't remember off the top of my head how old she was in S6, so I pretty much guessed lol.
And thank you for the comments, good to know that not only do you enjoy the story, but you're happy to point out when I make mistakes! :)
Either way I think I'm going to use poetic licence and say she's 15 (whether she was supposed to be or not). Originally had it in my head that she was close to 17, but 15 works for plot bunnies waaay more.
DAWN: Oh come on, Tara. I am so old enough to do research. Do you really think I'm not mature enough?
TARA: I think you're very mature for your age ... but you're still only fifteen.
15 it is.
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