Ha ha ha creepy bastard. Reno's missed having a doppelganger to hate on and secretly appreciate.off_duty_turkApril 3 2008, 01:02:28 UTC
.....even allowing for your lack of common sense... the ability to count... basic motor skills... that sort of thing.... How are you making this kind of mistake, rookie?
You can do no such thing, you little punk. And I'll prove it if I have to.
Rod knew deep down there was the love.rodnotrenoApril 3 2008, 01:15:16 UTC
No, I'm not! It hasn't been that long. You up and vanished, but most of us thought you were off hungover or something. It was just this morning that the president said you were gone.
Is that you?
They said you left!
This long, and it's only been a RUMOR??
You only missed one round of Reno's Momma.
Oh good. So I only have to punch you in the face once. I was worried I might end up tiring myself out~
Don't make me whip your arse, old man. My EMR is better than yours anyday or night.
....Rod. They're EXACTLY THE SAME.
Well, I guess that means my skill with using it must be better than yours then since I could whip your arse.
You can do no such thing, you little punk. And I'll prove it if I have to.
How? By looking old?
By beating your ass. I mean, having a nice, friendly spar.
You sure your old bones can take that?
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