Mar 09, 2006 23:17
Something quite horrible has happened today. My car has been stolen from my driveway and I am completely devestated. I had many personal and valuable objects in my car and now they are all lost. I worked all throughout high school and college to pay for that car and I have worked these years of university to pay for the insurance and now I have nothing to show for it. I cannot say how sad and angry I am. Perhaps worst of all, I have lost my way of getting to school and my parking pass. I am working on figuring out other ways of getting to school, but I am far too upset now to really figure these things out. I may not be in school Monday, I don't know yet, but if I am not, this is why: I will be in bed mourning the loss of over 45 cd's, mixed cd's my boyfriend gave to me when we were just dating at 17, a musical keyboard, my work stuff, a 1999 Honda Civic and my sense of personal safety.