saying that the heart is like _______ is the greatest compliment of all, because a heart separated from the things it loves (even the shapeless, every day looking things, hearts like boiled beans, can be hopeful and uncompromising in how beautiful, how beatific, how everything) is not a heart,
the heart like a tambourine
the heart like a flat tire
the heart like rain in your shoes
the heart like an escaped balloon
the heart like a crime scene
the heart like a broken chord
the heart like a cage of lions
the heart like a hymn
the heart like a broken bottle to the back of the neck
the heart like a tense fist
the heart like the heart like the heart like the heart
the heart like turned out feet
the heart like pages sticking together
the heart like a hotel with pale pink walls
the heart like graffitti half washed away
the heart like the smell of spent matches and the memory of a small heat that couldn't even stick around long enough to burn your fingers
the heart like a run on sentence where the meaning gets lost by the need to have finally said all the words that pool under your skin after days of silence
the heart like a girl from utah who has a
BIG SUN inside of her
the heart like a long pull on a cold beer
the heart like the long pull of a boat lost at sea and still tied to the shore
the heart like a hand folded over the other like lovers
the heart like loud music from small speakers
the heart like a prayer to the Lord God of please just be kind to me
the heart like symbals and symbols
*the heart like an orange traffic light
the heart like the arch of a back
the heart like the silence in the two second time delay over international phone lines I miss you one mississippi, two mississippi yeah, I miss you too and the heart is the space in between, in that silence while the sentiment travels
*like an artichoke! or a sunflower or a daisy or a caper or something.
or like old, red mahogany; a scoop of vanilla icecream.