(no subject)

Nov 21, 2009 13:20

A news article I saw yesterday really ticked me off. It's about Senator Carl Levin wanting to increase income taxes to pay for the war on terror. War is one of the few things that is truly legitimate to go on the national debt because it preserves the nation for all future generations and it's cost should be spread out.


From the article: "additional income tax to the upper brackets(upper middle class), folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000," This is from a dem that's willing spend trillions of dollars from the paychecks of future generations for health care and to increase the comfort and prosperity of those now living, not because it's better for the nation, because it keeps him and others like him reelected.

For most of our history, at least until LBJs "Great Society", the national debt was incurred only for items that would benefit all future generations; things such as war and other national security items, highways, waterways and whatever else was needed to insure the preservation, safety and prosperity of the nation as a whole.

The war is such an item. Not welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and most of what the federal government does mainly to keep the politicians in power. Items that benefit only those now living should be paid for entirely as the expense is incurred, by the generation that benefits.

Agree? If not, why?
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