Allow me tp propose---

Apr 18, 2009 13:36

Allow me to propose a 28th amendment to The Constitution of The United States of America, which will eliminate institutional involvement in federal campaign politics by forbidding contributions or any form of material support to any candidate, from any institution. "Institutions" will include but will not be limited to: business, industry, unions, churchs, PACs of any kind, and even political parties.

This proposal is in response to the total corruption of the "two party system" and the obviously corrupt and self serving tolerance of lobbyists by our representatives and senators, and my personal belief in the American principle as stated by Lincoln at Gettysburg, of a "government of the people, by the people and for the people". In the last few decades it's become a government of the politicians & lawyers, by the politicians & lawyers and for the politicians & lawyers . The current members of the political establishment have evolved in their priorities to put their own incumbency first, their party second, the two party system third and then comes the people and their nation and its Constitution last. It must be turned around if we are to survive with our Constitution intact! It's my strong personal belief that elections and the campaigns preceding elections, should be between the voters and the candidates, with financial and other support from only the voters, directly to the candidates without any kind of institutional involvement.

Now if there any T Jeffersons out there, maybe we could work out the actual wording of the 28th Amendment.

Cross posted at talk_politics
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