Contact / HMD

Jan 01, 2015 00:00

Need to contact the mun for Ari? Comment here, or PM. Anon is enabled, and screening is on.

I am also always open to feedback on Ari. Currently, in Bete Noire, I am playing her as someone who heard about the city, in rumors, underground information, and sought it out on purpose. The idea that her actions in a single city can influence the multiverse was just too much of an appeal for her.

Upon arrival in the city, she decided to bide her time, and establish a cover story for herself, since none of her established ones would help her in a place like this. As such, she took on the alias Claire Saurel (which I partially took from the name on a false passport of Ari's in canon: Rene Saurel), and took up work at the hospital, so she could establish herself as a French doctor.

Currently, she works as a mole for the police within criminal organizations, simultaneously exploiting her police contacts for the criminals. Playing both sides against the middle.

Ari is also pregnant. Her due date is February 12. The father is not among the characters in Bete Noire; he is an NPC from her own universe. There are several reasons for the pregnancy, OOCly. For one, Ari is a very skilled character. She carries off lies and schemes with a great deal of skill, even to the point of deceiving her closest relatives. A pregnancy introduces a major physical weakness that can be exploited by enemies.

Second, Ari is an extremely damaged individual. The only emotional connections displayed by Ari in canon are to her family -- specifically, her mother, and her half-sister Ziva. Providing a family connection from something so vulnerable as an unborn child may be a way to draw out Ari's more damaged emotions.

Third, a pregnancy provides a way for other characters to relate to her, and a way for her to manipulate them. Playing the sympathy card may gain her a prison sentence instead of a death sentence when her house of cards inevitably falls down and trashes her entire CR (which will no doubt be epic and awesome).

Other passing reasons include that Ari likes kids, Ari having a kid will severely mess with Gibbs' head and that death in Bete Noire is broken so she can't abort (which would likely be her first choice).
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