[log post] and the award for the best lie

May 28, 2008 20:05

[18:22] * Grif finishes his beer, and after a few moments of contemplating the empty bottle instead, he stands up... and finally really notices how few people had been left, and Phoenix's arrival.
[18:23] Phoenix_Wright: Hey Grif.
[18:23] * Ambros is, for the reference of those just joining, this ridiculously feminine fellow: http://i26.tinypic.com/2ztc3lc.jpg
[18:23] * Benedict is just an early-21st-century 20-something in a decent suit.
[18:23] * Ambros is not, though, Oscar Wilde. -Or- Posh Spice.
[18:24] * Phoenix_Wright does not question effete folks; he's had to deal with Max Galactica and JEAN ARMSTRONG, for crying out loud.
[18:24] Grif: "Oh. Uh. Hey, Phoenix." He tosses the empty bottle. "I should get going, actually." He looks over at Benedict and Ambros. "Uh, sorry things were a bit stupidly loud around here, earlier."
[18:25] * Lalla is just making her way in unobtrusively. She is about 5'2", wearing a black wool coat and waiting for the painkillers to deal with her headache. http://p-userpic.livejournal.com/72780275/15192174
[18:25] Benedict: "Certainly not your fault, sir. Nice seeing you."
[18:25] Phoenix_Wright: See you.
[18:25] Ambros: I have been in worse situations, sir. It was -- jarring, but I shall survive it. Good evening.
[18:25] Grif: "Later." He puts his helmet on and teleports out.
[18:25] * Benedict looks over at Lalla. Incidentally, Benedict has spied; he's cheated; he's spun webs to cover other men's crimes. He's an accessory to some political corruption. He can live with that quite easily.
[18:26] * Benedict never cheated /academically/, of course. Just other things in life.
[18:26] * Phoenix_Wright has, uh, bent the rules a few times, but it was all for good causes. Really.
[18:26] * Ambros .... um, you know the drill, Lalla, really. Except this one doesn't have most of the human experimentation, or that nasty Holocaust thing under his belt yet.
[18:28] * Lalla 's headache is due to the effort it takes /not/ to know all these things right now. (The nexus would probably knock her ass into a coma, otherwise.) Of course, she'd be delighted to find all this out another time when she's not slightly concerned one of you may accidentally make her pass out by existing. She's getting herself coffee, and then sit down nearby. ...And attempt to minimize her general creepiness.
[18:28] * Phoenix_Wright can't be mind-read worth shit generally, if that helps.
[18:29] * Lalla isn't a telepath. :] http://ofapples.livejournal.com/profile for details.
[18:29] * Ambros nods to the young lady. "Good evening, miss. Are you well?" Stupid question time: GO!
[18:30] Lalla: "Good evening. Yes, sir." That's /almost/ a smile.
[18:30] Phoenix_Wright: Uh, hey.
[18:30] * Benedict nods politely.
[18:31] * Ambros nods. If you say so! "'Terrorist,' though, truly? I pray they do not call -themselves- that."
[18:31] * Lalla dips her head briefly in an all-purpose greeting, setting her mug down to take her gloves off. ... "I've clearly arrived at the right moment." She is excessively quiet, this one.
[18:32] Phoenix_Wright: Um, I guess. [I'm lost in this conversation myself.]
[18:34] Benedict: "Not themselves, no. But the government, the public, the press, the fellow-mutants who ....well, one assumes their /intention/ is to stop the violence...It all gets fairly dicey."
[18:34] Ambros: Mr. Dupuis has been telling me of his world, the political and -- social situation there. And I've been a terribly nosy little busybody, and not given him a moment's peace.
[18:34] * Benedict wishes Ambros were just a little further on. He could use his Emmeline Pankhurst analogy (only, y'know, much more so).
[18:34] * Ambros tsks. "It does sound as though they've picked a poor approach, yes."
[18:34] * Lalla looks passably like she's interested. "Mutant terrorism?" she raises her eyebrow almost imperceptibly. :]? O rly, Benedict?
[18:35] * Phoenix_Wright shifts uncomfortably. Terrorists are out of his scope. Or he tries to keep them out, anyway.
[18:36] * Benedict scoffs at Ambros's last remark, then looks to Lalla. "It's a common element in the news at home." And couldn't possibly be a temporal paradox or anything, that's not how the Nexus works, is it? he'll have to think about that more later.
[18:37] * Lalla appears to examining Benedict very carefully, if with a mostly blank expression. That's not weird at all, Lalla. "Yes, it is." She remembers you :3 ...from that thing. That not everyone remembers. >_>
[18:38] * Benedict would say that he thinks he saw her once in a dream, but she's /really/ not his type.
[18:38] * Lalla shouldn't be anyone's type; if she is, that person should seek help immediately.
[18:38] Phoenix_Wright: [What's with this woman?]
[18:39] * Ambros tilts his head a little, birdlike. "You're from the same... world, as he is?"
[18:39] Benedict: "Possible so...." Pause. "In fact....do you go to Empire State University, by any chance?"
[18:40] Lalla: "Yes--sirs. Yes. History major."
[18:40] * Benedict smiles. "It was one of my minors."
[18:40] Lalla: "A fascinating subject." :]
[18:40] * Phoenix_Wright feels a bit like the outsider here.
[18:42] Benedict: "Very." And Benedict chooses this point to politely look to Phoenix, including him in the basic introducing-himself, since he doesn't remember doing so before. "Benedict Dupuis."
[18:43] Phoenix_Wright: Ah, er, Phoenix Wright. Nice to meet you.
[18:43] * Ambros is a little bit lost, too, which is the funny part.
[18:43] * Lalla volunteers her name after a pause, "Lalla Alexandrova."
[18:44] Ambros: Ambrosios Hypatos. *smile* A pleasure, both of you.
[18:44] Phoenix_Wright: Nice to meet you, Benedict, Lalla, Ambrosios.
[18:44] * Lalla may give the impression she's cross-referencing in her head. Possibly she is.
[18:44] Benedict: "Likewise."
[18:45] Lalla: "A pleasure." She doesn't SOUND pleased, but uh. She rarely does.
[18:45] Phoenix_Wright: [What an odd woman.]
[18:46] * Lalla bites the inside of her cheek when she makes the connection about Ambrosios' name. Don't laugh at him /in front of him/, that way lies badness.
[18:47] * Benedict looks slightly inquisitively at Lalla, but nothing major.
[18:47] * Ambros gives her an odd look. What's so funny?
[18:47] Phoenix_Wright: ?
[18:47] * Kacey pokes her head in. Blonde girl, ten years old though she looks a bit smaller, and toting a disproportionately huge backpack. Well, that would explain why she hasn't been around in a while.
[18:47] Lalla: "Private joke," she murmurs. "My apologies."
[18:48] * Phoenix_Wright spots here and waves a bit. He's wearing a beanie. (It doesn't say Papa on it, no.)
[18:48] * Ambros drinks the very last of his beer. "You're forgiven, of course."
[18:48] * Benedict nods and smiles at the new arrival, then looks back to Lalla. "Quite all right. May I ask, out of curiousity, what your favorite class in the department has been, Miss Alexandrova?"
[18:49] * Kacey waves back to Phoenix :D and slips in, all nonchalant and various other words bigger than she is. "Hi!"
[18:49] * Lalla actually /does/ smile, then. ...It's kind of weird on Little Miss Emoting Is For Other People. "Professor al-Kamil has been particularly educational." ...that's a private joke, too, but one she can deliver perfectly straight.
[18:50] Phoenix_Wright: Hey! It's been a while. How've you been?
[18:51] Benedict: "I always thought the same." Things make a little more sense now. Benedict, of course, is /not/ listening to her thoughts, because his general respect/admiration/etc/ does /not/ go there, thank you.
[18:52] * Kacey sulks a bit and goes to investigate the bar fridge really, really thoroughly-- for soda, what did you think? "Really really busy. How're you?"
[18:52] * Lalla should've probably just given him an apple or something. Jesus. "I had a feeling."
[18:52] Phoenix_Wright: Um, well enough. Mostly. *the cast on his right wrist is still there, yes*
[18:53] Ambros: A skilled teacher, I take it?
[18:53] Lalla: "Particularly knowledgeable in his field." ...so to speak.
[18:54] * Kacey 's head reappears over the bar. " . . . so what happened to your arm?" She may catch on to the hair, too, watch out.
[18:54] Benedict: "/Very/, sir."
[18:54] Phoenix_Wright: Er, got on the wrong side of the wrong guy. Don't worry, he's long gone now.
[18:55] * Kacey drags her backpack around the bar by one strap, because she's lazy, and curls up in an armchair. "Aw, tell me about it?" Is 'worry' in her vocabular-- actually no, it probably is.
[18:56] * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "An enemy from a future that could've been, really. He wasn't too happy I didn't experience that future, adn I was stupid enough to rub it in. About sums it up."
[18:57] * Ambros eyes the empty bottle balefully. But even if it wouldn't do a thing, he shouldn't have another one. Bah. "I should return to Casablanca, I believe. Rochester will be cross if I'm not there in the morning for him to complain at."
[18:57] Lalla: "It was a pleasure to meet you, sir," Lalla says, politely (and honestly! for once!).
[18:57] * Benedict winces slightly at overhearing Phoenix. That sounds unfortunate. Then he looks back ot Ambros. "Understandable, sir. Good night."
[18:58] Phoenix_Wright: Night, Ambrosios!
[18:58] * Kacey takes a minute to puzzle that out, and also to pop open her soda. "So how come he even existed?" And a little wave for Guy She Doesn't Know.
[18:58] Phoenix_Wright: Well, he was from an alternate world, I guess.
[18:58] Ambros: Likewise, madam. Good evening, Mr. Dupuis. Thank you, once again, for your hospitality and patience. *a very pleasant smile, as he rises and slips out.*
[18:58] Phoenix_Wright: He DOES exist in my world; it's just his fortunes went a bit differently.
[18:58] Phoenix_Wright: [And damned if I'm not following news of him like a hawk lately.]
[18:59] * Lalla sips her coffee, debating between following Ambros out of sheer curiosity or staying to pester Benedict, Lalla-style. ...seems to be sticking around.
[18:59] * Benedict nods as he leaves. Hey, he always says the man who made his life that much easier should get what he wants..... well, so should his ancestors-or-/are/-they.
[19:01] * Kacey goes to rummage through her bookbag. "So what happened to you in his world?"
[19:01] Benedict: "I had Professor al-Kamil for medieval history," Benedict says conversationally.
[19:01] * Phoenix_Wright rubs the back of his neck. "I got framed to look like I used false evidence and got disbarred."
[19:02] * Lalla watches Benedict over the rim of her mug. "He brings an interesting perspective."
[19:02] Benedict: "Quite. Refreshingly helpful, in some cases."
[19:03] Lalla: "I've found it to be so."
[19:04] Kacey: . . . what's disbarred mean?
[19:04] Phoenix_Wright: Basically, it means I wouldn't be allowed to practice law anymore.
[19:05] * Kacey wrinkles her nose. "That was mean of him. Why?"
[19:06] Benedict: "The necessity of retirement brought about by his current undertaking is a considerable loss to the faculty."
[19:07] Lalla: "Unfortunate for the faculty," Lalla murmurs.
[19:07] Phoenix_Wright: I guess I got a case he wanted really badly. He wasn't exactly what you'd call a sane man.
[19:07] Phoenix_Wright: Except, well, in this universe I DIDN'T, so.
[19:08] Kacey: So what'd he do to your arm? O_o
[19:09] Benedict: "Any particular time period you're focused on?" He continues conversationally, also marginally interested in Phoenix's affairs, but not interested in interrupting.
[19:11] Phoenix_Wright: Broke my wrist. Honestly, I was just being stupid. [So worth it, though.]
[19:11] Lalla: "I'm flirting with the Renaissance," she says, although arguably Lalla doesn't seem like anyone the word 'flirting' should or could be applied to without a lot of creativity.
[19:11] Kacey: . . . how does it count as you being stupid if he's the one who broke your wrist?
[19:11] * Kacey will run out of questions one of these years.
[19:12] Phoenix_Wright: Well, I DID sort of rub it in when things didn't go as he'd predicted.
[19:13] Benedict: "An interesting time, certainly."
[19:15] * Lalla inclines her head. "I believe so. Your major?" ...was? Minimalistic approach to /speaking/ is not actually conducive to communication. Although that...is kind of the point.
[19:16] Benedict: "Political science. I work in the Senate."
[19:16] Lalla: "It must be fascinating," Lalla says, deliberately widening her eyes just enough to look impressed.
[19:16] * Kacey rummages in her backpack some more and recovers some homework she can pretend to do! TRIUMPH. "Still. He's gone now, right?"
[19:17] Phoenix_Wright: Yep. As far as I can tell, he's gone for good.
[19:18] Benedict: "I certainly enjoy it the job. Most of it's writing, these days." Don't think he can't notice enough to note that very nice mental shields or anything, Lalla. Not that you were apparently trying to pass for Perfectly Clueless Baseline.
[19:19] Kacey: What happened to him?
[19:19] * Kacey curls back up with her math notebook safely closed on her lap.
[19:19] Phoenix_Wright: He just... left. I suppose he knew better than to stick around after leaving evidence like this -- and with another witness, no less.
[19:20] * Lalla is just aware that if /Jalal/ made her pass out the first time they met, the nexus en masse could probably have her in the coma ward. The shields here are pure self-defense, and the blindness from it aggravates the shit out of her even as she's pleased she CAN do it. "Oh, yes?" :]? Do tell?
[19:21] Kacey: But you're sure he's not coming back? =/
[19:21] Phoenix_Wright: Um... well, he took his roses... I figured that's a sign of something. [...but now that I think about it, I'm not so sure...]
[19:22] Benedict: "Speeches. I've got something of a knack for composition. I certainly wouldn't know" what with the good shields and all, plus he 's rare to listen that specific "if you followed the last years of Sen. Kelly's last term at all? Just those years, mind -- racially inflamatory rhetoric isn't really my metier."
[19:23] Kacey: Roses?
[19:23] Phoenix_Wright: He was growing roses in the garden. Seemed to care for them more than the people around here.
[19:24] Lalla: "I'd think not," she murmurs, of 'racially inflamatory rhetoric'. That slight Lalla-smile comes and goes. "I've kept abreast," she adds, in answer, noncommittal.
[19:24] * Kacey tries very hard to comprehend this for a good ten seconds. " . . . that's creepy.They're just flowers."
[19:26] * Phoenix_Wright sighs. "Well, they're gone now, and he's gone. Honestly, I'm not going to miss him in the slightest."
[19:26] Benedict: "Well, some of those speeches went over so well, particularly considering how he was trying to play such an....adjustment of perspective, that's it been one of my focuses in senatorial staffing since. It's better than focusing on long, boring Hill negotiations, anyway. So that's what I'm doing with /my/ degree."
[19:27] Kacey: What was the big deal about the case, even?
[19:28] Phoenix_Wright: Well, the man on trial was pretty famous. If someone were to get him off the hook, they'd be famous too.
[19:28] Phoenix_Wright: Mind, he never gave the man the opportunity.
[19:29] Phoenix_Wright: Er, I mean, the defendent never let the guy who broke my hand get the chance.
[19:29] Lalla: "I've never been eloquent, myself. It sounds quite interesting." Lalla defines why some people should be seen and not heard.
[19:31] * Benedict could, normally, wax extremely eloquent about eloquence. But Lalla's a bit offputting, so he wouldn't really be on his game. "I've always enjoyed good use of words."
[19:32] Benedict: "So, have you met any other people from our world and alternates thereof?" He asks abruptly.
[19:32] * Kacey frowns. "But he's famous now anyway, right? Because he attacked you or something. That sucks."
[19:32] * Lalla has that affect on people. It's a personal failing she doesn't give a crap about. The abrupt subject change leaves her momentarily thrown, but she recovers as quickly as possible. "I have, yes. Have you?"
[19:32] Phoenix_Wright: Um, no.
[19:33] Phoenix_Wright: Well, I mean, in his world, he's famous as a criminal; here I've just put people on the look out. He was humiliated in my world because the guy he actually got a chance to defend flew the coop on him.
[19:33] Benedict: "Yes, a few. It's an interesting experience."
[19:33] Benedict: "Especially when the similarities are more subtle than blatant."
[19:33] Lalla: "Oh, I agree." Somewhere, Jalal needs a beer or possibly to wring her neck. "Would you have an example?"
[19:34] Benedict: "I'd be happy to hear one of yours. Two of mine are, in fact, mutant terrorists."
[19:35] * Kacey laughs. "So it doesn't suck, then!" :D
[19:35] * Phoenix_Wright chuckles. "No, it doesn't suck."
[19:36] Phoenix_Wright: [Ugh... but I need to stop dragging my feet about that little girl. I've gone to enough of her shows...]
[19:37] * Lalla folds her hands in her lap. "I admit Mr Hypatos seems quite familiar." ...because she knows who he is. That'd qualify as 'familiarity', right?
[19:38] * Benedict quirks an eyebrow. Well, if she thought so... "I'm slightly surprised, I admit. I don't think you heard him laugh."
[19:38] * Lalla raises her eyebrow. Laugh?
[19:39] * Kacey fidgets a bit. "So did I miss anything fun here? I've had way too much homework lately." . . . that's what happens when you're going to fifth grade and /high school/ at the same time, hon.
[19:40] Benedict: "He didn't /look/ familiar at all to me. But he sounded it," Benedict explains.
[19:40] Benedict: "The Nexus is a /fascinating/ place, of course."
[19:41] Lalla: "Oh, I see." Lalla mulls that over, briefly, not elaborating on why she recognized him. "It is. I haven't had the opportunity to come in person for sometime."
[19:41] Phoenix_Wright: There's been a lot. Almost too much to summarize. Wouldn't really call it "fun," though...
[19:44] Benedict: "I only found the door a couple of weeks ago."
[19:45] * Kacey nods. "It seems kind of the same around here." As usual.
[19:45] Lalla: "Ah. Thoughts so far?"
[19:45] Phoenix_Wright: More or less. You know how this place is.
[19:47] Benedict: "There's something about the place that can get under one's skin and make one considerably....sloppier, in a way." Well, maybe, he thinks Lalla doesn't fit into the 'one' category, but who knows.
[19:47] Benedict: "But the perspectives are worth it."
[19:48] Benedict: "And the feeling of deja vu has gotten less prominent. Did you have that, when you first found the door?"
[19:48] * Kacey wonders, eavesdropping abruptly, if maybe Benedict is talking about the Nexus too. "It's weird. I like it." :3
[19:48] * Benedict looks over and smiles. "It is, and I like it, too."
[19:49] * Lalla is in a league of her own. To be fair she's operating a little slower than usual due to only recently having acquired her mental shields and they're taking more work than she likes. "I posted via text, to begin with." Which is her way of skipping merrily over the 'deja vu' issue, because...no, she didn't, and let's not get into why.
[19:49] Phoenix_Wright: [I wonder if she'd feel the same if she knew about the murder.]
[19:50] Benedict: "Clever. More controlled-feeling that way. Less chance of losing one's temper."
[19:50] Lalla: "Prudent," she agrees, although her motivations were different.
[19:51] * Kacey wants to hear about murders! Well, doesn't /want/ exactly, but can cope. stories :D?
[19:53] * Phoenix_Wright would tell, but he looks like he's tired. "I should probably get to bed soon."
[19:53] * Benedict finally rises and puts away his empty glass. "I should probably be getting home. So nice talking to you, Miss Alexandrova. Perhaps I'll see you this weekend." At a Jalal House Party , etc."Mr. Wright, Miss." He nods and smiles to Kacey and heads out.
[19:54] Phoenix_Wright: Good night.
[19:54] * Kacey waves to Other Guy She Doesn't Know! And to Phoenix. "'Night."
[19:54] Phoenix_Wright: Night, Kacey!
[19:54] * Kacey wriggles a bit. "I should come back here more."
[19:54] * Lalla finishes her coffee and tilts her head briefly to Phoenix and Kacey. "I will excuse myself as well. Good evening." :]
[19:54] Phoenix_Wright: Yeah, we miss you. I'll see you later though, okay?
[19:54] Phoenix_Wright: And night, Lalla.
[19:54] * Lalla exits, pursued by a be--no.

log post: the sanctuary, log post: benedict dupuis, log post: ambrosios hypatos

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