(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 20:38

My own emotional instability is driving me nuts today. I just typed a long entry and then deleted it because I decided I didn't want anyone to see those thoughts. I've been like this all day and I can't even pinpoint why, exactly.


I just typed a completely different entry about a completely different topic, decided I hated it, and deleted every word. WHAT THE HELL. Really, I think I just need to listen to some music and surf Tumblr for a ludicrous number of hours until I stop oscillating between irritably depressed and aggressively optimistic.

One random fact I'll leave you with: the end of this week's Doctor Who is the most I've ever liked any incarnation of the Doctor. Typically, main characters are never my favorite, but I was surprised to find that his compassion for Vincent actually moved me. Well done, Matt Smith. Thank you, Eleven, for not being Ten.

EDIT - Forgive my continued randomness, but I just thought of one time that the main character was, in fact, my favorite: Constable Benton Fraser, of due South. Yes, he had the typical hero's sense of morality and duty, but in a sort of twisted way that made his character totally screwed-up. He was physically incapable of stealing a chocolate bar, even when directly ordered to do so. Plus he had hilarious conversations with his dead-yet-still-awesome father.

There's Veronica from Veronica Mars of course, but I think in that case it's more of a tie between her and Logan Echolls. And then there's Farscape's Crichton, but on a recent re-watch of Peacekeeper Wars I came to the conclusion that I love Aeryn the most. Come to think of it, those two shows may be the only examples of times when I actually shipped the canon couple more than any non-canon one.

Oh my god, I'll stop now. I know you guys don't care. Have I mentioned my current instability? Really I'll stop now.
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