OOC: Evan Rosier character sheet

Aug 07, 2009 00:00

Full Name (including middle): Evan St.John Rosier
Character journal: of-pedigree
Date of Birth: 3rd September 1959
Any nicknames, including the embarrassing ones: none.
Blood: Pureblood
Location outside of Hogwarts: Abingdon, Oxford

House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Does your character belong to any clubs? Charms, Literary
Are they a Prefect, Head or Captain? no
What are their best/favorite subjects?
What OWLs did they receive?
* (T)Astronomy
* (O)Charms
* (E)Defense Against the Dark Arts
* (T)Herbology
* (T)History of Magic
* (E)Potions
* (O)Transfiguration

* (E)Muggle Studies
* (O)Divination

What classes are they currently taking? Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA, Muggle Studies (morbidly fascinating and as a bonus drives his Dad up the wall - how could you learn that filth, no son of mine, etc.), Divination (hilarious and as a bonus drives his Dad up the wall - what a waste of time, didn't send you to school for that etc.)
What would they like to do after Hogwarts? What are their longterm goals? Evan has no interest in work. None at all.

When did they first exhibit signs of magical talent? Levitating the cat, aged 7. He still finds it hilarious to this day.
Wand: Unicorn hair and willow, swishy, 9 inches
Patronus: Jackdaw
Boggart: Himself, dressed in rags, on the street.

Names of parents: Ethelinde and Walter
What is their allegiance in the war? Quietly supporting the Dark Lord. His Father was one of Tom Riddle's earliest supporters and has been a Death Eater for years, not that Evan knows it yet. It should be noted that Evan is currently indifferent towards the whole thing.
How does your character get along with them? He runs circles round his mother and couldn't be less respectful of his Father. Winding his dad up is a fun game for Evan to play when he's bored, which is often. His Mother dotes on him all the same; Walter tolerates his behaviour until the point where it's in danger of tarnishing the family name.
What do they do for a living? Evan doesn't know and doesn't care. His Mother is a socialite.
Are they rich or poor? Very rich.
Are they an only child, or do they have siblings? Only child.
If your character has any siblings, what are their names/ages? Do they get along? None, unless you count his cousin Roarke. He's incredibly close to her.
Any pets? Names, etc... An owl


Who are their friends? Canonically Snape and Avery, but I guess we'll see how that works, guys? (I don't see him liking Snape much tbh) He's good friends with Rita Skeeter and his cousin Roarke.
Who are their enemies? no idea, but he wont shun a Pureblood (or a well behaved Halfblood) just because they aren't a Slytherin.
Are they popular? yes.

Interested in (straight/bi/gay): Straight though I keep getting glimmers of bisexuality, I dunno, but quite metrosexual; very careful with his looks, loves robe shopping, very appreciative of other's appearances; this is the sort of guy who would instantly recognise that you'd had your hair cut.
Have they had any romantic relationships? the odd romantic dalliance, yes. He's quite monogamous in the sense that he likes to actually build up a rapport with a woman rather than just shag her and leave... but he's not one to get serious with girlfriends. She should be silly and fun, and never get upset about things like anniversaries and birthdays.
Are they popular with the opposite sex? He's very pretty, if that's what you mean.
Any fancies, secret or otherwise? Not currently.

Height: 6ft
Weight: slim
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Any scars/handicaps? none
Any habits/quirks? Smokes quite a bit. Drinks quite a bit. Has a bit of a kleptomania thing going on.

APPEARANCE: Tall, slim and neat. Always in expensive and fashionable robes. Immaculate fingernails and haired perfectly styled to look unkempt. Always smells good, usually of expensive cologne.
LIKES: the finer things in life, wasting the finer things in life at his Father's expense, his Father's expenses.
DISLIKES: work, rudeness when directed at him, Pureblood social events where he can't sneak off and get drunk.
PERSONALITY: Extremely social and hedonistic, Evan has a very flippant nature and nothing that he says can be taken 100% seriously. He gets bored very easily and as a result his schoolwork can suffer if he isn't properly engaged in the topic at hand; although naturally clever, he'll only work in your class if you make it interesting for him. He can be very arrogant, flaunting his wealth and status for all to see. GUYS HE'S SEBASTIAN VALMONT FROM CRUEL INTENTIONS, OKAY Despite the playful nature he has been brought up to act with decorum when the situation calls for it - he knows that he's from excellent stock (Rosier being a very important name and linked with the Blacks) and has enough charm and presence of mind to behave himself around those who matter.


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