Name: Ang
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Name: Wolfgang Johann Meister
Gender & Played-By: Male, played by Alex Pettyfer
Age & Birthday: 17, born on the 9th of August
Nationality: German
Sexuality: Straight
Physical Description: Blond hair, gray eyes, tall, good looking, appears a bit older than he actually is- basically he is your average jock, only he dresses well. And holds himself well. And speaks well. Whatever it is, he is better than you, and he will make sure you know it. He doesn't smile much, but that's mostly because he's sneering. At you. Because you're just not as good as he is- but then, who could be?
Parent/s: Armin Meister [father; Morgen alumni] and Gundula Meister (formerly Gundula Grunewald) [mother; Morgen alumni]
Siblings: None
Extended Family: He has cousins, and most would also bear the name Meister. A few aunts have married out, but only to really, really ridiculously pureblooded families.
Year: 7th
Path/House: Morgen
Major: Healing Charms & Potions
Quidditch: Morgen's Captain, Beater. Likely to be the guy who comes up with most of the strategies the team uses in play.
Pet: A female Northern Hawk Owl that he named Johanna
Wand: Ebony with a core of dragon heart string, 10 1/2 inches, rigid
Patronus: A really huge
Boggart: Poor, starving muggles. It's not so much fear as absolute, utter distaste for the very thing, and he's far more likely to just want to shudder in revulsion and aim to kill them all than actually cast a decent Patronus.
Erised: Him, but older, replacing Grindlewald and becoming leader of the both the magical and muggle worlds. Mm, sweet dreams are made of these.
Favourites: Being the best, being better than you, being better than everyone else, simple things in life like that. He has a slight weakness for chocolate, but ssh, you didn't hear that from anyone. Also, Quidditch- however much of a dick he is (with emphasis on much), he is a team player on the field. It's the job of the Beater, after all, to look out for all the other players, and that's something he's remarkably good at.
Distastes: Muggles, also muggleborn wizards and schools that accept them. Squibs, too- they don't even deserve to bear the names of their families. And obviously someone must have been up to something, since a true pureblood family would never have such pathetic offspring. Also, people who really get into the Dark Arts. It's such a crutch, honestly.
Secrets, Strengths, & Weaknesses: Secrets? Hah. This is Wolfgang Meister, pureblooded down to every last pore, descended from one of the greatest wizards in history, the founder of the Morgen house. Why would he have any need for secrets? His family has no blemish on its records, no scar upon its past. And as for him? An above average student, a strong Quidditch player- no. He has no secrets, and no need for them.
And his strengths? Plentiful, as expected from someone with his heritage. He's not a brilliant student, but he is certainly doing far better than plenty others who simply are not able to keep up in classes, most likely due to their poor breeding. He's also remarkably fit and strong. Added to that, he's surprisingly good at tactical planning- to wit, structuring the Morgen Quidditch team such that it is best able to play to its strengths. This year, with the Captaincy finally in his grasp, they will surely triumph.
So naturally he has no weaknesses. Except for, you know, being a total ass. Which is not so much of a weakness until you combine it with his amazing confidence which, oh, ever so often oversteps the line and becomes utter overconfidence. He's not just that good, he's more just that ridiculous. Plus, he'll never, ever, not in a million years consider that muggles have any use besides running around and being idiots. Muggle inventions? Useless. Muggle technology? Pah. As far as he's concerned, nothing good can come from those lesser creatures.
Detailed Personality: Basically he is a humongous dick.
What is he a dick about? Oh, just about anything you can think of. He's the kind of person who's always been better than other people, who's been told from young that he is better than other people, and who's never really questioned it because in his case, it really is true. His family's the richest one he's ever seen, his blood's about as pure as you can possibly get, he's actually pretty good at school and he's also athletic and good looking! What possible reason could he have to not be such a dick?
So... yeah. It's actually not that hard to get along with him, if you can get past the fact that his face is permanently stuck on the expression of 'Hi, My Name Is Wolfgang Meister, And I Am Better Than You'. He's polite. He's polite because he was brought up to be polite, but this is the kind of polite that also comes hand in hand with sneers and snobbery and he is very very good at that sort of thing. If he offers you help and you accept it? Then he'll actually help you! And also make some charitable comment about how you, being born stupid, couldn't possibly have managed it on your own anyway, so there's really no shame in asking for help from someone who knows better, like him.
Unless, of course, you ask him for help on something that's related to Dark Arts. Because he's got a thing against this, and it is a very big thing. They're a crutch, he believes, and he's heard enough tales as a child about how Dark Wizards all eventually succumb to the lure of power and the magic that drives their spells. Well, not him. He is entirely above that. He is also attending a school that teaches the dark arts to almost all its students. But he wouldn't have dreamed of attending any other school, because of the history and heritage behind Durmstrang.
All you students of the dark arts, though? You are not even worth his spit, and he has ways of making himself very clear on this issue.
Character History: Born to the Meister family- this really says it all, honestly. Because if there is such a thing as wizarding royalty, then they are it. Not officially, of course, no. And they're not exactly what you'd call high profile, either. But they are an old family, with old blood and old money.
Lots and lots of old money.
Wolfgang had a good childhood. This is no surprise, since his family was rich enough to buy just about anything that would be good for the cognitive and physical development of a capable young boy. Tutors who taught him every thing a young wizard ought to know? Check. Early lessons in Quidditch theory and practice? Check. Daily reminders as to how such luxuries were only available due to their good breeding? Very, very check. The only kids he ever really played with were his cousins, who were all, of course, of equally good backgrounds.
Wolfgang had a good education. This is no surprise, since he, like every other member of his family, went to Durmstrang where they quite naturally excelled. The gift of healing is in their blood- in the sense that all blood members of his family (and a good few of those who marry in) have quite the knack with healing charms and potions. Couple that with tuition from a young age, and you generally end up with a really snooty kid with a really big talent. He's easily at the top or near it in any class that has something to do with healing or care, and it's as much a matter of pride as it is proficiency, with him.
Wolfgang is living a good life. There were hangers on around him, people who wanted to get to know this young heir to the Meister line, people who wanted to find out more about him, and he didn't mind. Spare a thought for those lesser than you, and of course, everyone was lesser than him. With Grindlewald coming into prominence in the past years, Wolfgang has found himself agreeing entirely with the man's ideals. 'For the Greater Good', indeed. Certainly, the man himself may have been less than perfect, but such a slogan! That, now that, he can get behind.
Wolfgang has a good future. It is assured, after all. He will graduate, and he will work for the Ministry, like his father and his father before him. In time, he will marry and have a child to bear the family name. Wolfgang has a good future.
At least, that's what he'd like to think.
First-Person: Really now. All this talk of school and family, it's honestly quite beyond me. The schedule is already dictated, we will return when it is time. I, for one, fail to see how writing of your simple, petty little woes and wants for all the world to see will make everything better. If you want to change something, then simply do so. And if you are not able to, then place yourself in a position such that you can, rather than continue this meaningless prattle.
Though I suppose that might be too much to expect from some people. It is practically a tragedy that so many chose to bear such negative attitudes about the opportunities they are able to receive and chose instead to whine about their lives, but some things simply cannot be helped, more's the pity.
Third-Person: Flipping the journal shut, Wolfgang leaned back. No doubt there'd be the usual harangues from people who always, always thought they knew better and sought to prove it by taking it out on him. Useless, really. Ineffective, weak, mudblooded fools. No, he decided, that was one thing he would not be changing his mind on soon.
Of course, not everyone was as worthless as that, but still. It was enough to make him long for the days of his childhood, when it'd been so much simpler- just him, his cousins and their parents, a world where everything was assured. Not that nothing was assured now, no, but rather that certain other people simply refused to see things the way they were. And that was so, so very trying.
People like that boy. What was his name again? Something Olsen, brought on as a seeker because he'd displayed a surprising burst of talent in his fourth year at Durmstrang. Pulling out a piece of parchment, Wolfgang re-inked his quill and began to plan out this year's Quidditch orders, a smile on his face. Sacrifices would have to be made, he thought, looking over the names, but if he was to be Captain then he would make the team in his image.
No weakness, no sympathy, no failures. And if that was too much?
Then Something Olsen would be cut, no questions about it.