(no subject)

Nov 25, 2010 09:48

I can finally write and speak normally again.  I'm sorry for my rudeness the past several days.  It wasn't my intention.

[...yeah, she's still not all that chatty.]

[Gradually a drawing appears, in ink applied via brush.  It's more or less one of these women, though the drawing is decidedly cruder and more generic, and instead of straight-bladed polearms like what the ones at the top have, she's holding this.]

Does anyone know what this is called?  It's like a spear, but used more for slicing than stabbing or throwing.

I saw a lady armed with one holding off a band of [pause] raiders, I suppose.

:|, -bell (kakashi), glaive or naginata? hard to say for sure, -rain (susumu), -tian (goujun)

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