It's been 3 months since i've been back home. All of the drama and things were overwhelming, and I had to get out. Before, i was a highstrung blob of emotions. I had to get out. so I decided to go on a little trip. And I ended up staying longer that expected. My dog
mr. winkle and I decided to stary at various places, and meet different kids of
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and he seems to have deleted his journal.
he was hot too. ;[
all of the hobbits are becoming rather attractive. thats what having a bakery in the shire does to you i guess.
I know! He was my sexmuffin. Now he's my tasty smoothie:( I could go for some baked goods right about now myself...
i want a hobbit lover. ;[
Well, you can have some of my sexmuffin smoothy! It's the next best thing, I suppose.
If you're really serious about acquiring a hobbit lover, you should post an ad in the paper. That's what I did when I was looking for an elf girlfriend. I ended up with a Numenorean queen, but she turned out to be just perfect!
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