[The 'Gear comes on to a very smug-looking Martin the Ditto in the middle of France's pokemon who all look extremely happy and utterly pleased with themselves. Behind them, there is a pie of eggs of all sorts of different colors arranged neatly and with an extra space heater to make sure they're kept warm.]
Okay, Merlin, you were right.
[France doesn't sound too upset; he actually appears, once the 'Gear shifts to his face, rather more amused than put-out. He beams after a moment, throwing an air kiss at the camera.]
Hello, Johto! Would any of you handsome gentleman and lovely ladies like to get your hands on fresh, authentic French eggs? I've got Drifloon, Eevee, Poliwag, and Vulpix eggs here, and they need to go to good homes.
[The 'Gear turns back to France's pokemon and the eggs. Thérèse the Eevee pokes at Martin, who wiggles happily, whilst Kai and Drifbim float over the eggs and Marianne and David stare at the camera, the former with a latent threat and the latter utterly soullessly.]
I've got a number of each, so just drop me a line or a text within the next few days if you'd like to purchase an egg or two or three.
[[OOC: IC post following yesterday's OOC post
here. Again, there are twenty egg slots in all, but they can go anywhere; current egg slot count is 20/20.]]