[Post 003] Video/Action From Violet City

Nov 05, 2010 03:17

[It appears that France has left his PokeGear's video on in the Violet City Pokemon Center. The room is brightly lit, and the camera points seemingly aimlessly at the wall until -]

[- a Poliwag meanders a bit clumsily up to the screen. He stares into the camera with slightly curious and somewhat pouting expression before he wobbles away, the camera following as France gets up to follow the Poliwag's progress on the floor to where Marianne is eating a bowl of sweet meats. Marianne glances up before going back to her meal, momentarily placated that this new creature is not interested in her food. France clears his throat before speaking.]

This is David.

I found him while collecting berries and nuts for dinner's salad.

[David turns back to the screen, bouncing on his tiny feet. France laughs and his hand appears on the screen as he picks the tadpole pokemon up and puts it in a water-filled sink. It swims around happily, and France laughs off-screen.]

You will be a true frog prince; I promise you that.

frog prince david, i am a french chef, *larry butz | ace attorney, *china | axis powers hetalia, there is more to this story, *romano | axis powers hetalia

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