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Jul 07, 2005 15:52

I have dicovered the reason my father was so keen for me to move out of home.

Bulk Buying.

You see, up until this point, my father has had only one obstacle to prevent him and my mother from filling the house with bulk-bags of goods... I laughed at him. Now don't get me wrong, my Dad is not the sensitive type, far from it, but my continual flippant attitude towards his shopping habits seemed to have put a dampener on his addiction. Now that I'm out of the house... he is free to buy bulk until he dies of cardio-vascular disease brought on by Players Biscuits factory seconds.

These are some of the items my parents have bought in bulk SINCE I MOVED OUT:
- FUZE soft drink in 200ml bottles (at least 20 bulk packs of 20 bottles - thats a lot of FUZE)
- Club Squash in 200ml bottles
- Jubes (1kg bag)
- Choc Coated Almonds (several 1kg bags)
- Cheese Cubes (2kg)
- Jatz (10 boxes)
- Fruit juice in 2lt bottles (x10)
- ex-hotel bathrobes (x 20) I'm serious. god only knows what they are doing with them
- Biscuits, biscuits, biscuits ... in 2 or 3 kg bags of the following varieties (non-exhaustive list): choc wafers, vanilla wafers, choc mint, choc roughs, jam tartlets, vanilla creams, kitkats, choc chip.
- Toilet paper, paper towel and cleaning products but the unit (any idea how big a unit is? I'll tell you, its bigger than a box).

These are just the things I can see when I walk in the house. There are also numerous items bought at auction such as display units, tvs, chairs, curtains... its bizarre.

Honestly, they are obsessed. If they could buy time in bulk they would, and use it to go bulk shopping for more crap. They did give us a months supply of toilet paper and choc biscuits though so I can't really complain.
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