Name: Lauren
Age(No one under 13 please): 18
Location: FL
Gender: Female
3 Postive Adjectives that describe you: Determined, optimistic, and intelligent
3 Negetive Adjectives that describe you: Stubborn, insecure, and introverted
Talents/Interests: Music, singing, theater, musical theater, Beethoven, reading, my fiance, my puppy.
Favorite Movies(Non-Fantasy): Little Mermaid doesn't count, right?
Something you believe strongly in: Love
Strengths: I try to always think positive, and be kind to others
Weaknesses: I have a hard time socializing, but once I get to know you I open up
Pick One - Love, Family, Courage, Beauty, Friendship, Honor: Love
Pick One - Forest, Desert, Seaside, City: Seaside/City
Pick One - Gnome, Goblin, Faery, Dragon, Unicorn, Demon: Faery
Pick One- Horse, Fox, Dog, Turtle, Bird, Snake, Wolf: Fox
Would you mind being voted a character if the opposite sex? Nope
Anything Else you'd like to add?: Nope
Please promote us in one community: Post at least 3 CLEAR pictures of yourself:
(it's a wig, but shows my face good)