Once Upon A Time...

Nov 30, 2007 21:56

Name: Summer

Age(No one under 13 please): 16

Location: New York

Gender: Female

3 Postive Adjectives that describe you: Openminded, Childlike, Protective.

3 Negetive Adjectives that describe you: Secretive, Shy, Carefree.

Talents/Interests: Music, Anime, Manga, Fashion Design, Reading, British television, Writing and Drawing.

Favorite Movies(Non-Fantasy): Hangman's Curse, Beetlejuice, Heathers, Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, Edward Scissorhands, Mean Girls, Human Traffic, etc.

Something you believe strongly in: I belive strongly in not judging a book by it's cover, meaning I don't believe it's right to judge people just by they way they appear on the outside.

Strengths: I care alot about the people close to me and I'd do anything to make them happy. I try and make things as easy as possible.

Weaknesses: I can be a bit of a pushover. I just can't say no sometimes. And I'm a very emotional person.

Pick One - Love, Family, Courage, Beauty, Friendship, Honor: Love.

Pick One - Forest, Desert, Seaside, City: Forest.

Pick One - Gnome, Goblin, Faery, Dragon, Unicorn, Demon: Dragon.

Pick One- Horse, Fox, Dog, Turtle, Bird, Snake, Wolf:  Wolf.

Would you mind being voted a character if the opposite sex? Not at all.

Anything Else you'd like to add?: Well, I'm a very private person I guess you could say. I tend to keep to myself alot. I don't really open up easily to people. It's hard for me to find things in common with people my age. lol.

Please promote us in one community: Okay. Sure. ;)

Post at least 3 CLEAR pictures of yourself:

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