Even more proof that
Erika is the bestest science dork ever ever ever!
My NatSci final is in five hours, and she came up with a way to make me remember the different types of heterochrony for the rest of my life:
Heterochrony: how to grow up and look like a mutant. No, seriously. XD Proportions all out of whack and such.
So let us use footballers as an example.
Acceleration: That would be Roman, because I swear he looked like he was 30 when he was only 18.
Hyperpomorphosis: John Terry; his is a more gradual change, but you can totally tell what he's going to look like when he's an old man, except that old man look is going to come a LOT sooner than he'd probably like!
Neoteny: Tomas Rosicky looks older than he did a few years ago... but not by much.
Progenesis: Pablito. He hit puberty and has looked the exact same ever since.
And don't get me started on polar bears stealing tapas and having siestas (anagenesis and cladogenesis, wahey!). *SHEER ADORATION*
Okay, back to studying. *suffers*