Apr 15, 2010 16:08
so iv been writing alot lately
i dont know what it is but everything has been inspiring me
iv been in alot of pain lately
i cant pin point the source
and im trying to ignore it because to be honest im tired of trying to find a therapist
but i cant
and slowly i find myself letting go of everything
things that i cared so much about suddenly dont mean so much anymore
this summer is going to be hard without dave
i need to go see him soon because its rough not having one of my closest friends
not to mention from the one phone call iv been answering of his a week he is doing worse then ever
apparently fighting the masses and in maximum security
dave? maximum security?wtf
i dont have friends anymore.
just something i recently noted
pushed the world aside and away like never b4
beautiful isnt it ?
so im pretty sure im putting something i wrote in the booklet for the full length or ep
not sure yet.
im suprised at my choice as well.