I don't think I've written in this journal for months - not that I was ever a prolific blogger, tending to use this purely for fandom purposes - but then I've not really been involved with this fandom for months either. I'll check in occasionally to make sure everyone is okay, but rarely comment. You've probably been in my thoughts even if we haven't spoken :)
The main reason for this absence is having got a new job within the same company just over 12 months ago. Although my involvement with the fandom had been slowly diminishing before then, I've spent the last year falling asleep on my feet. This coupled with various family dramas... well, the thought of committing time to anything was enough to give me palpitations.
Work is still as ridiculous - in fact I'm currently interviewing for a position that will give me even less time to my self and far more responsibilities - but now I'm wondering what I may have missed.
I've barely read any fic in the last year, unless prodded in their direction by
toblass. I'm going to try and remedy that if anyone has any recommends?
I won't be signing up to the
sshg_giftfest (or at least am very, very unlikely to) , but I'll try and get the
sshg_newbies comm ready to support anyone who needs to find a beta or britpick. After that, who knows?
Really this post is just to say a long overdue hello to everyone on my flist and to ask how you all are. I will try and post more regularly and be a better fangirl, but there is the chance I may disappear again if real life gets hectic...
Hugs to all!