So, I had a review on ffnet that made me wonder.

Sep 11, 2013 18:37

It wasn't a nasty review, by any stretch. I was just someone giving their opinion about how Severus Snape would act. An opinion which was was different to my own - shock horror - but the examples they used...

They said: "I can see Snape as a spy, I can see him as a killer, I can see him writing sonnets to Lily and then tossing them in the fireplace instead of sending them to her, but I just can't see Snape using the F-word."

My immediate ponderence was whether dropping an f-bomb was worse than murder. My second was to rack my brains for any 35-45 yr old British males of my acquaintance who don't use the f word. (None, sadly. Then again, I do live in a naval town - maybe it really is just sailor talk...)

But then, everyone has something they just won't do. Snape is both a spy and a killer in canon. He doesn't swear, but then he is both a) a teacher, seen through student eyes and b) in a children's book series, but perhaps he really, truly does not swear. Maybe it's the one thing he can refrain from, the one time in which he's allowed to do the right thing. Perhaps not swearing his tits off is the one way in which he can convince himself that he's still essentially a good person?

So, because I'm now thinking about this, what is the one thing you think Snape would never do?
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