Where I disappear from LiveJournal for weeks at a time. Sorry about that! I'm well, all is well, just… busy.
The new job is going well. Too well, in fact. I think that I may well cry when this secondment ends. I'm doing everything I can to become indispensable to my new department in a short space of time while trying not to get up anyone's nose. Working 9 - 5, Monday - Friday is a novel experience, as is the idea of having every weekend off. Last weekend, a dear friend who I hadn't seen in over a year asked if I could attend an impromptu get-together … and I could! After so long in retail or following bizarre shift patterns, this is just so nice.
I miss having random days off during the week, though. Apparently I need a bit of time away from work for my brain to switch into creative mode. I've not written anything since I started the new job, which is causing an undue amount of worrying. Thankfully, I decided to take a proper break from signing up to fests and exchanges over the summer, so I don't feel like I'm letting anyone down.
Well, no one but myself.
…And TPP, as I really wanted to submit something to the Petulant Snape Boy challenge. I started a little fic, but there's not a chance that it will be finished by the deadline, and it's a bit too odd to post without the excuse of the challenge.
Another thing that's eating up all my time is going to the gym. I still feel ridiculously unfit - very conscious that I now have a desk job and no longer walk to and from work every day - but getting less so every week. I'm still fairly surprised that I haven't found a way to wheedle out of going yet… I give myself another month! Work friends A and L, who convinced me to start, have already dropped out. Once P gives up, we'll see if I'm committed enough to go by myself…
I have a week off in September. We had grand plans of finding something last minute to the Med, but it's looking more and more like a week in the cheapest UK cottage we can find. I'm secretly rooting for this, as it means I can take the laptop and do a bit of writing.
And that's about it! I miss speaking with all of you, although - thanks to my phone - I still check in on LJ most days. I'm hoping things will become less crazy/I find myself needing less sleep so that I can balance my real life with the much more preferable e-life I fashioned for myself when life was quiet.
I apologise to anyone whose birthday I've missed, and send hugs to all the people who still need them. Take care, my lovelies!