Hello Flist!

Nov 28, 2012 23:55

I've been rather quiet lately, aside from pushing the newbie fest on anyone daft enough to stand still, as so much of my time has been focussed on NaNoWriMo. Well, I'm here to warn you, I've finished with that puppy and will be back to haunt you all soon. What's that? Oh, why yes, I did finish ahead of schedule. :p Well, I hit the word count. The story itself is far from finished, and it'll be an age before I inflict it on anyone else. Still, am undeniably smug.

And there is so much to be done! There are still newbie gifts unclaimed, so I shall repost them for all to see, should anyone like a little something to coo over whilst waiting for the sshg_exchange to start. And then there's the deeply_horrible fest to salivate over. And I still owe poor hbart a story...

Busy, busy, busy!

Also, I apologies if I've not commented on anyone's post for aaagggess. I have been reading, I promise. I'm incredibly impressed with those of you who have undertaken the 10 day meme - that sort of thing requires a level of honesty that I'm just not willing to show, even in the relative anonymity of LJ. Good show, all of you! 

nanowrimo, general smugness, newbie fest, ramblings

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